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M. Mouillard's tall figure appeared on the threshold, filling up the entire doorway. "In the garden, did you say? Whatever is your idea in showing clients into the garden? Why did you let them in?" "I didn't let them in; they came in of themselves." "Then the door can't have been shut. Nothing is shut here. I'll have them coming in next by the drawing-room chimney. What sort of people are they?"

I have seen a good many of my clients getting entirely rid of their rheumatic pains and gout and ceasing to suffer from sleepless nights by observing the following simple rules. In order to chew meat conveniently and this is one of the main points one must accustom one's self never to mix meat and bread in the same mouthful.

Either he had not closed the door tightly, or his servant was entering with his key. What did he want? He did not employ him all day, but only during his office hours, to put his rooms in order and to open the door for his clients. As Saniel rose to go and see who it was, there was a knock at the door. It was his servant, with a blank and embarrassed air. "What is the matter, Joseph?"

She floundered, but she found her feet. "Well, you'll remember I've often told you that if you've grand clients I have them too." "Yes," said Mrs. Jordan; "but the great difference is that you hate yours, whereas I really love mine. Do you know Lady Bradeen?" she pursued. "Down to the ground! She's always in and out." Mrs.

In this form it was distasteful to him; he kept the affairs of some of his old clients in his hands, but he gave much of his time, which he saved his self-respect by calling his leisure, to a history of his regiment in-the war.

Horizon was here altogether unrecognizable; he was majestically negligent and condescendingly jocose. On the other hand, cringing ingratiation sounded in every word addressed to him by his female clients.

Moreover, in 1771, just two years from the time when Patrick Henry began practice in the General Court, Robert C. Nicholas, then a veteran member of the profession, "who had enjoyed the first practice at the bar," had occasion to retire, and began looking about among the younger men for some competent lawyer to whom he might safely intrust the unfinished business of his clients.

Spenlow on appearing before the clients in that airy attire; now I was hungrily picking up the crumbs that fell from old Tiffey's daily biscuit, regularly eaten when St.

But a great number of friends and clients voluntarily accompanied him; among them was his brother Maximus Aemilianus, whosome years before had commanded with distinction against Viriathus.

Three would sell, surely; one was holding back strangely, but the three had put the matter into the hands of a local real-estate and insurance broker, by name Wangen. "We'll go see him," said Scattergood. Which they did. "My clients," said Wangen, importantly, "realize the value of their property. That, I may say, is why they bought."