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"And I am beginning to wonder," Maurice went on, "how much longer I can bear it, just how long." Lily cleared her throat. It struck her as odd that she did not feel strange with this man who looked so old in the thin light from the lamp. Indeed, now that the mask had entirely fallen from him, he seemed more familiar to her than ever before.

"`Then fare thee well, my old Betty Jane, Farewell for ever and a day; I'm bound down the river in an old steamboat, So pull and haul, oh! pull and haul away. "Good-bye, old ship! A handsomer craft, a purtier sea-boat, or a smarter wessel under canvas whether upon a taut bowline or goin' free never cleared out o' the port of London.

'Tis not above six o'clock by the sun, and the Wantage coach don't come in till seven. Even if they lend him a horse and cart at the Nag's Head, he can't be here these two hours. So I shall just see the ten acre field cleared, and be home time enough to shake him by the hand if he comes like a man, or to kick him out of doors if he looks like a dandy."

A few hours after the weather cleared enough for the first time to allow a view of the distance, and McGary and myself climbed a berg some three hundred feet high for the purpose. It was truly fearful; we were deep in the recesses of the bay, surrounded on all sides by stupendous icebergs and tangled floe-pieces.

I came down this morning to take you out for a trial. Then if there's anything you want changed we can fix it up before we turn her over to you to beat Mascola. If you can spare the time I'll take you back with me to Port Angeles. That will give you a good chance to see her perform in rough water as it's blowing up nasty off the breakwater." Gregory's face cleared.

When, his powder failed, he took them by speed of feet; for his way of living, continual exercise of walking and running cleared him of all gross humours; so that he ran with wonderful swiftness through the woods, and up the rocks and hills, as we perceived when we employed him to catch goats for us; We had a bull dog, which we lent with several of our nimblest runners, to help him in catching goats; but he distanced and tired both the dog and the men, caught the goats, and brought them to us on his back.

The Colonel was the first to speak. "Pere Milon," he said, in French, "since we came here, we have had nothing to say of you but praise. You have always been obliging, and even considerate towards us. But to-day a terrible accusation rests on you, and the matter must be cleared up. How did you get the wound on your face?" The peasant gave no reply.

At length, the doctor got down from the carry-all, letting down the rain-flaps on that side as well. "Will somebody go home with the body?" he asked. Gethings stepped forward and took his place by the driver. The carry-all drove away. Presley reentered the house. During his absence it had been cleared of all but one or two of the Leaguers, who had taken part in the fight.

His business had cleared that year, $70,000, and with the right sort of management ought to go on prosperously. His leaving it had thrown the entire burden, his work as well as their own, upon the shoulders of his brothers.

The old sugar-mill and the ground about it being at length cleared, the victorious square advanced upon the wells.