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The man's face was twitching now, moisture began to ooze from his forehead, as the callous brutality of the scowling faces seemed to get him and then he lurched suddenly forward in his chair. "My God!" he cried out, a ring of terror in his voice "What do you mean to do? You'll pay for it! They'll get you! The servants will be back in a minute." "Two skirts!" jeered Clarie Deane.

"Suppose," he said, trying to keep his voice steady, "suppose I open the safe what then afterward?" "We ain't got the safe open yet," countered Clarie Deane uncompromisingly. "An' we ain't got no more time ter fool over it, either. You get a move on before I counts five, or The Mope an' Ike ties you up! One "

The same year, the expedition of the French captain Dumont d’Urville, which started in 1838, discovered Adélie Land in 66° 30’ latitude and 38° 21’ east longitude, and Clarie Coast in 64° 30’ and 129° 54’. Their campaign having ended with these important discoveries, the Astrolabe and the Zélée left the Antarctic Ocean and returned to Hobart Town.

This might even have explained his acquaintanceship with Clarie Archman, except for the fact that it did not explain Clarie Archman's co-operation in a premeditated robbery with any one! Again Jimmie Dale shook his head and there came another question, one for which no answer, even of a suggestive nature, had been supplied in the Tocsin's letter.

"It's not the servants, they wouldn't dare to " Stangeist's words ended in a gulp. He was staring into the muzzle of a heavy-calibered revolver that Clarie Deane had jerked up from under the desk. "You sit down, or I'll blow your block off!" said Clarie Deane, with a sudden leer. It happened then almost before Jimmie Dale could grasp the details; before even Clarie Deane himself could interfere.

You'd make a wooden Indian nervous!" There was silence for an instant, then a curious gnawing sound punctuated with quick, low, metallic rasps as of a ratchet at work and upon Jimmie Dale for a moment came stunned dismay. Time, the one factor upon which he had depended, was lost to him; Clarie Archman and Gentleman Laroque were already at work in there in that room beyond.

"That WAS a bit theatrical, Weasel," he said apologetically; "and yet not wholly unnecessary. You will recall Stangeist, The Mope, Australian Ike, and Clarie Deane, and can draw your own inference as to what might happen in the Thorold affair if you should be so ill-advised as to force my hand.

It still seemed incredible that Clarie Archman was a thief, a safe-tapper, even if but an amateur one. The boy must have travelled a pace of late that was fast and furious. How had he ever become intimate enough with Gentleman Laroque to be associated with the other in such a crime as this?

He had flung down the gauntlet to the underworld when, as the Gray Seal, he had closed the prison doors behind Stangeist, The Mope, Australian Ike, and Clarie Deane, and the underworld had picked the gauntlet up.

Clarie Deane's cigar had gone out. He rolled the short stub in his mouth, and leaned forward. The bills were evidently just as they had been delivered to the murdered paymaster at the bank, done up with little narrow paper bands in packages of one hundred notes each, save for a small bundle of loose bills which latter, with the rolls of silver, Stangeist swept to one side of the desk.