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Chump replied, with something of a curtsey, "I'll thank ye vary much, sir." She added immediately, "Mr. Wilfrud," as if correcting the 'sir, for sounding cold. It was so trustful and simple, that it threw alight on the woman under which they had not yet beheld her.

Indeed, you sometimes resembled a boojum. Anyhow, you were a plain chump. You exploded your face about something of which you knew nothing, and I'm damned if I believe you'd make even a good retriever." "You're a half-bred water-spaniel," blurted Peter Tounley. "And," he added, musingly, "that is a pretty low animal." Coke was argumentative.

What a temptation for the young man! But Pole didn't know his love for little Belloni." "Has she no one with her?" Merthyr seized the opportunity of her name being pronounced to get clear tidings of her, if possible. "Oh, dear, yes, Mr. Paricles is with her," returned Mrs. Chump. "And, as I was sayin', sir, two thousand pounds! I ran off to my lawyer; for, it'll seem odd to ye, now, Mr.

Chump that he was to have jumped at such positive conclusions! He ought to have stayed there. If only that second Turk had not been coming up behind him! He could think now of a number of brilliant ways out of his difficulties.... Morosely he trudged on through the interminable streets, his chilly wetness like an outward aspect of his gloom-soused mind. He could not bear to think of Arlee.

Chump; who, among other things, had reproached him for fighting with foreign steel and wearing any uniform but the red. The ladies and Colonel Pierson were soon of one mind in relation to Mrs. Chump.

And it's a wonder she didn't wind up at a nerve sanitarium." "Honest!" says Babe, beamin' on me and grabbin' my hand. "Is is that all?" "Ain't that enough?" says I. "But that's so easy fixed," says he. "Why, I am bored stiff at these resort places myself. I thought, though, that Lucy was having the time of her young life. What a chump I was not to see! Say, we'll take a fresh start.

Say, yes. Do!" "Very glad," quoth Wilfrid. "Upon your honour, now?" "Upon my honour!" Reduced once more to demonstrate like schoolgirls by this woman, the ladies rose together, and were retiring, when Mrs. Chump swung round and caught Arabella's hand. "See heer," she motioned to Wilfrid. Arabella made a bitter effort to disengage herself. "See, now! It's jeal'sy of me, Mr.

Only the play produced an ironical situation, and this was due to Drouet alone. The scene was one in "The Covenant," in which the wife listened to the seductive voice of a lover in the absence of her husband. "Served him right," said Drouet afterward, even in view of her keen expiation of her error. "I haven't any pity for a man who would be such a chump as that."

Chump let go the door-handle with a moan. The door was closed by Gainsford, now one of the gravest of footmen. A chair was placed for her, and she sat down, desperately watching the reader for the fall of his voice. The period was singularly protracted. The ladies turned to one another, to question with an eyelid why it was that extra allowance was given that morning. Mr.

Chump cried out, "Ye're kind to wait upon the young man, Mr. Wilfrid; and that Mr. Braintop's an invalu'ble young man. And what do ye want with the hotel, when we've left it, Mr. Paricles?" The Greek raised his head from Mr. Pole, shrugging at her openly. He and Wilfrid then measured eyes a moment. "Some champagne togezer?" said Mr. Pericles.