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I went to London, became acquainted with a set of most royal scamps, frequented the theatres and the taverns, the various resorts which constitute the gayeties of a blood just above the middle class, and was one of the noisiest and wildest 'blades' that ever heard the 'chimes by midnight' and the magistrate's lecture for matins. I was a sort of leader among the jolly dogs I consorted with."

The window would not open, so that he never heard the songs that the troubadours sang down there beneath the gilded balconies; he did not even hear the belfries' chimes, though he saw the jackdaws routed every hour from their homes.

Much indeed could be said of the present, but as our story is only a brief sketch intended to deal chiefly with the beloved old missions and missionaries, and unravel if but a few of the tangled skeins of misrepresentation cast about the older history of the state which is more wrapt in mystery, with warm gratitude for what the present is and for what the future will bring, we will return to the traces of the good fathers whose missions are still the wonders of California, with them we can still hear the chimes of mission bells.

After Midnight I know not how long, for I lost count of the hours by the Abbey chimes, and our light had gone out after midnight I heard by my father's breathing that he was asleep. I was thankful to see it for his sake, and also for another reason. I could not sleep all my faculties were preternaturally alive; my weak body and timid mind became strong and active, able to compass anything.

They have intercollegiate games and frats, and I guess it's all right. It has a peach of a campus, too, and a Carnegie library with chimes " "Well, but, dear, you aren't going to college just for those things." "Oh, the college'll be all right. Guardy wouldn't have suggested it if it wasn't. But we'll go up there this morning and look around."

The boy and the dog went on again wearily: they asked no more. By slow and painful ways they reached Antwerp as the chimes tolled ten. "If I had anything about me I could sell to get him bread!" thought Nello, but he had nothing except the wisp of linen and serge that covered him, and his pair of wooden shoes.

The wind played with the chimes as with the snowflakes; chasing the sounds of the clock it whirled them round and round over a vast space, so that some strokes were cut short or drawn out in long, vibrating notes, while others were completely lost in the general uproar. One stroke sounded as distinctly in the room as though it had chimed just under the window.

It sounds little to us who have not been tempted, or, if tempted, have gracefully succumbed, on the plea that other people do so too; but how many stock-speculators would see their follows buying bargains and making easy fortunes on Sunday morning, and not forget the ring of Trinity chimes and go in for dollars? Or which of us denies himself his Monday morning's paper?

Each clock in revolving strikes the hour, even the quarters, and often with lovely chimes.

Suddenly into the heart of the hush there broke the Cathedral chimes, almost, as it seemed, directly above their heads, booming, echoing, dying with lingering music back into the silence. At the corner of the Chapel there was a little wooden door; Lawrence unlocked it and pushed it open. "Mind how you go, sir," he said, speaking to Falk as though Davray did not exist.