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After ascertaining all we could about present and prospective movements, we returned to our old camp, having made a swift and tedious march. On the ninth was fought the memorable battle of Cedar or Slaughter's Mountain, in which both sides claimed the victory.

So, a committee of the patriotic Georgia citizens who had subscribed the founding fund of $100,000 called upon Colonel Telfair at his residence, Cedar Heights, fearful lest the enterprise and the South should suffer by his possible refusal. The colonel received them in his great library, where he spent most of his days. The library had descended to him from his father.

Hence God, when he speaks of his own excellency, sets it forth by its height. These terms also are ascribed to this house, for that it was the place where utmost perfection dwelt. I take, therefore, the cedar in this place to be a note of perfection, even the cedar with which this house was ceiled.

In the first place, it promised a new line of country down the great valley of the Saskatchewan River to its expansion into the sheet of water called Cedar Lake, and from thence across the dividing ridge into the Lake Winnipegosis, down the length of that water and its southern neighbour, the Lake Manitoba, until the boundary of the new province would be again reached, fully 700 miles from Carlton.

Falling out about something, Machumps slew Namontack, and having made a hole to bury him, because it was too short he cut off his legs and laid them by him. This proceeding Machumps concealed till he was in Virginia. Somers and Gates were busy building two cedar ships, the Deliverer, of eighty tons, and a pinnace called the Patience.

So while the Doctor told Aunt Ellen, Ralph bent his knee to this excited Christmas King enthroned in the heart of the fire-shadows. "Rise " said Roger radiantly, tapping him with a cedar wand, "I I dub thee first of all my knights the good, kind Christmas Knight!" "And here," said Ralph, smiling, "here's Sister Madge. What grand title now shall we give to her?"

"Sure," Hollister replied. "This summer will just about clean up the cedar here. You may as well help it along, if you want to work." "It isn't a case of wanting to. I've got to," Mills said under his breath. Already he was at his old trick of absent staring into space, while his fingers twisted tobacco and paper into a cigarette. "I'd go crazy loafing. I've been trying that.

He came to the green and shady spot where he had first beheld her. There rose the cedar spreading its dark form in solitary grandeur, and holding, as it were, its state among its subject woods. It was the same scene, almost the same hour: but where was she? He waited for her form to rise, and yet it came not. He shouted Henrietta Temple, yet no fair vision blessed his expectant sight.

Nevertheless, Northern historians have not hesitated to rank Cedar Run as a battle unfavourable to the Confederates. Ropes amongst the adverse critics of Jackson's operations at this period. How I came to fall into the error I cannot explain. I should certainly have remembered that Mr.

The trees of life and of knowledge are at once suggested by the mysterious sacred tree which appears in the most ancient sculptures and paintings of Egypt and Assyria, and in those of the remoter East. The most ancient types of this mystical tree of life are the date palm, the fig, and the pine or cedar."