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When an animal's attention is directed to any object or sound, its ears point forward; when its attention is relaxed, the ears fall. But with the cat tribe the ears are habitually erect, as those of the horse are usually relaxed. They depress them and revert them, as do many other animals, when angered or afraid.

The cat was more mindful of her manners, and went to meet him, rubbing her head against his legs, which was her customary welcome. "Hollo, whiskers," said True, "where's my little gal?" He shut the door behind him as he spoke, thus disclosing Gerty to view.

George growled; stamped his foot. The orange cat again took shelter. "Ah, don't frighten it, dear," Mary told him. "It's done no harm." George rose. He was too tremendously moved to contain himself while seated. "Done no harm!" he cried. He took a step to the window. "Done no " He stopped short. "Oh, Lord! I say, Mary! Oh, Lord! here's Bill!"

We gave some tobacco, I think, and received a cat, two pounds of fresh butter, a Cumberland ham, 'Westward Ho! and Thackeray's 'English Humourists. I was astonished at receiving two such fair books from the captain of a little coasting screw.

I didn't tell him I was wanting my old cat to hear it. "'Oh, all right, says Bill, 'you remind me. He loved yarning, Billy did. "'Next night but one he slings himself up in my cabin, and I does so. Nothing loth, off he starts. There was about half-a-dozen of us stretched round, and the cat was sitting before the fire fussing itself up.

Kitty was still in the garden, and cook went to the balcony calling him. Suddenly I saw a black cat flying in and disappearing behind or under a seat. First, I did not take much notice of this. But when a minute after Kitty slowly and solemnly stepped in, followed by cook, it struck me that the dark something could not have been Kitty, and Thanet and Iona made the remark simultaneously.

The living Bantam went to see the dead one, and came downstairs much moved by grief. "I've seed poor Bill," he said. "As-tu ferme la porte?" said the old woman, anxiously. The Bantam wondered at the anxious inquiry; asked the reason of it. "C'est a cause du chat!" said the old woman. "Ze cat, Monsieur, 'e 'ave 'ad your friend in ze passage tree time already to-day. Trois fois!"

"An enemy is anything that will harm us. Traps are our enemies. Some traps look like wire cages with a nice smelly bit of toasted cheese inside. But the silly mouse who enters the cage will only be let out when there is a cruel cat waiting outside to pounce upon him. There are many kinds of traps, but they are all wicked enemies. So beware, my dears. "Cats are our enemies.

It came from the house of the poor Seigneur de la Riviere a year ago. We took it back, but it would not stay." Annette spoke simply and frankly, but her words cut like a knife. Julie responded, with a click of malice: "Look out that the black cat doesn't kill the dear Cecilia."

'Well, here you are again, said the mouse, 'no doubt you have had a merry day. 'All went off well, answered the cat. 'What name did they give the child? 'Top off! said the cat quite coolly.