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To the boudoir Cecilia went, but Lady Castlefort was not there, and Cecilia was surprised to hear the sound of music in the drawing-room, Lady Castlefort's voice singing.

Lord Dice received his with a bow, Temple Grace with a sigh, the Baron with an avowal of his readiness always to give him his revenge. The Duke, though sick at heart, would not leave the room with any evidence of a broken spirit; and when Lord Castlefort again repeated, 'Pay us when we meet again, he said, 'I think it very improbable that we shall meet again, my Lord.

As Cecilia listened, she cast her eyes upon a card which lay on the table "Lord Beltravers," and a new light flashed upon her, a light favourable to her present purpose; for since the object was altered with Lady Castlefort, since it was not Beauclerc any longer, there would be no further ill-will towards Helen.

"And now Katrine envies me for being Lady Castlefort, Heaven knows! now, Cecilia, and you know, she need not envy me so when she looks at Lord Castlefort; that is, what she sometimes says herself, which you know is very wrong of her to say to me unnecessary too, when she knows I had no more hand in my marriage " "Than heart!" Cecilia could not forbear saying.

And as Lady Castlefort, slowly opening the door, entered, timid, as if she knew some particular person was in the room, Cecilia could not help suspecting that Louisa had intended her song for other ears than those of her dear cousin, and that the superb negligence of her dress was not unstudied; but that well-prepared, well-according sentimental air, changed instantly on seeing not the person expected, and with a start, she exclaimed, "Cecilia Clarendon!"

Your friend Helen was to decide. If she gave him any hope, that is, permitted him to appear as her declared admirer, he could, with propriety, happiness, and honour, remain here; if not, my dear Cecilia, you must be sensible that he is right to go." "Gone for some time!" repeated Cecilia, "you mean as long as Lady Castlefort is here." "Yes," said the general.

Yet the dream which followed was uneasy; she thought that they were standing together in the library, at the open door of the conservatory, by moonlight, and he asked her to walk out, and when she did not comply, all changed, and she saw him walking with another with Lady Castlefort; but then the figure changed to one younger more beautiful it must be, as the beating of Helen's heart in the dream told her it must be Lady Blanche.

"There is a literary dessous des cartes," said Lady Castlefort, a little vain of knowing a literary dessous des cartes; "Churchill being at the head of every thing of that sort, you know, the bookseller brought him the manuscript which Sir Thomas D'Aubigny had offered him, and wanted to know whether it would do or not. Mr.

Lord Castlefort also was his debtor to the tune of seven hundred and fifty, and the Baron was in his books, but slightly. Every half-hour they had a new pack of cards, and threw the used one on the floor. All this time Tom Cogit did nothing but snuff the candles, stir the fire, bring them a new pack, and occasionally make a tumbler for them. At eight o'clock the Duke's situation was worsened.

Helen now rose decidedly, and retreated to a table at the other side of the room, and turned over some books that lay there she took up a volume of the novel Lady Castlefort had been reading "Love unquestionable." She was surprised to find it instantly, gently, but decidedly drawn from her hand: she looked up it was Beauclerc. "I beg your pardon, Miss Stanley, but "