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If that were true, Iola must be colored, and she should be treated accordingly. Without knowing the cause, Iola noticed a chill in the social atmosphere of the store, which communicated itself to the cash-boys, and they treated her so insolently that her situation became very uncomfortable.

And in return he found that this seemingly empty eddy into which he had drifted was teeming with life. He busied himself with small things, and found his outlook gradually less tinged with despair. When he found himself inclined to rail, he organized a baseball club, and sent down to everlasting defeat the Linburgs, consisting of cash-boys from Linden and Hofburg's department store.

My dear Jennie, a few years ago, married Mr. Wilson, and I came to live with them in Oakland. Seraine went to her father and mother in Michigan. They are both alive and she remains with them. Her son Harvey named for his uncle, my youngest son, who was murdered at the battle of the Gaps, if you remember is now in Chicago working as one of the cash-boys in a dry-goods store.

The counters a tossing sea of brilliant fabrics; crowds of ladies moving in all directions; the clerks, well-dressed and polite, exhibiting their goods; the cash-boys flying about with money in one hand and a bundle in the other; customers streaming in at every door; and customers passing out, with the satisfied air of people who have got what they want.

He stocks shelves, decks counters, and employs clerks, packers, salesmen, cash-boys, buyers, and department heads. The man who wants to buy, buys from a man across the sea and yet is served in his own town. The man of commercial power is a man of world-wide rule.

The windows were all lit up with a warm, rosy light and there were curtains at the windows, rosy pink curtains like the ones they used to have at the house where his girl lived, long ago before the War spoiled him. He stood and continued to gaze until a lot of cash-boys, let loose from the toil of the day, rushed by and almost knocked his crutch from under him.

At first he found it tiresome, being on his feet all day, for the cash-boys were not allowed to sit down, but he got used to this, being young and strong. All this was very satisfactory, but one thing gave Frank uneasiness. His income was very inadequate to his wants. "What makes you so glum, Frank?" asked Jasper Wheelock one evening. "Do I look glum?" said Frank.

Of course, I cannot retain you in my employ." "Mr. Gilbert," said Frank, earnestly, "the charge is false. Mrs. Bradley is my enemy, and wishes me harm. I don't understand how the things came into my trunk, but I didn't put them there." "I hope you are innocent, but I must discharge you. Business is dull now, and I had decided to part with four of my cash-boys.

The clerks in the store were all interested, and two or three cash-boys followed us round and stood, open-mouthed, staring at us. Neither Aggie nor I knew anything about masculine attire, and Tufik's idea was a suit, with nothing underneath, a shirt-front and collar of celluloid, and a green necktie already tied and hooking on to his collar-button.

Wharton could not help thinking: "How poorly this young man compares with my young friend. Still, as he is Mrs. Bradley's nephew, I must be polite to him." "Are there many cash-boys in your establishment, Mr. Bradley?" "About a dozen. Ain't there, Fowler?" "I believe so, Mr. Bradley." "Gilbert & Mack do a good business, I should judge."