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A man must have very little sense if he don't see as he gets older that character and money are the two things he's got to be carefullest of in this world. If he's not particular to a shade about either or both of 'em, he'll find his mistake.

By night Mrs. Hastings was delirious, and Dr. Earle was called. "She has a nervous fever," he said, "and needs the carefullest nursing." "Which she cannot have in this d d place," Mr. Hastings replied, profanely. "Why don't you try to get something to do?" asked Earle of the sad-visaged husband, a day or two after. "What is there to do?

And in the time we are occupied with, all are afflicting her. What Charlemagne, Barbarossa, or Saladin did to teach her, you can trace only by carefullest thought. But in this thirteenth century all these three powers are adverse to her, as to each other. Map the methods of their adversity thus:

Gregory staid two or three days, and then went on to Boston, leaving Fleda in no want of him. Mrs. Pritchard was the tenderest and carefullest of nurres. The Evelyns did everything but nurse her. They sat by her, talked to her, made her laugh, and not seldom made her look sober too, with their wild tales of the world and the world's doings.

Their waste-paper baskets 'd be fairly brimming, and papers falling over on the floor. Maybe havin' so many is how they get so careless. Some of 'em is worse than others. Mr. Selden, Mr. Lawrence Selden, he was always one of the carefullest: burnt his letters in winter, and tore 'em in little bits in summer.

It is not galloping on the turf; it is being shaken and tossed in a saddle which the knees can never grip, on the back of something gone mad for the maddest, wisest, carefullest thing on earth is a broncho, which itself was once a wild pony of the hills, and has been hunted down, thrown by the lasso, saddled, bridled and heart-broken all in an hour.

We are thus brought face to face with the two men with whom every critic of American novelists has to reckon; who represent what is carefullest and newest in American fiction; and it remains to inquire how far their work has been moulded by the skeptical or radical spirit of which Turguenieff is the chief exemplar.

And above the trees shone the great, round, shining face of an illuminated clock in the tower of an antique public building. Prince Michael's shoes were wrecked far beyond the skill of the carefullest cobbler. The ragman would have declined any negotiations concerning his clothes.

All I mean is, that the novelty of Bayreuth, like the novelty of any other small lifeless German town, disappears on a second visit; that though the charm of the wood, of the trumpet calls at the theatre, of the greasy German food, and the primitive German sanitary arrangements, remains, it is a charm that has already worn very thin, and needs the carefullest of handling to preserve.

For by nature and carefullest study he was a Doctor in this degree and kind and a man thus fitted, inevitably seeks his sphere.