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I was going to take her myself, but I've got some rather er pressing business to attend to before dinner" he chuckled mentally over the application of the words "so I'll stand aside in your favour. We are not going to trust her out of our sight until she is delivered safely into her aunt's keeping. Awfully sorry, Miss Briskett, but we shall meet again!

It was long since Miss Briskett had felt so consciously lonely and depressed as at her solitary dinner that evening. In the drawing-room, even Patience lost its wonted charm, and she was thankful when the time arrived to sip her tumbler of hot water, and retire to bed.

The discovery was a shock. Being a just woman, Miss Briskett was forced to the conclusion that she had been selfish and self-engrossed; but such self-revelations do not as a rule soften our hearts towards the fellow- creature who has been the means of our enlightenment.

"A good many people are with you there, Miss Briskett, but unfortunately that does not alter the fact." "Then what did you do after that?" "Cleared out! I sold my uniform for eighty pounds!" he laughed again, the same sore laugh "and gave my orderly about a dozen suits of ordinary clothes. The only thing I kept was my sword.

"Oh, I've enjoyed it enormously. You must be sure to let me know if there is anything I can do at any time anywhere!" repeated the young fellow, ardently. He bowed to Miss Briskett, who extended her hand in patronising farewell, accompanying him to the door of the room, less, it appeared, from motives of kindliness, than to satisfy herself that he had really departed.

"Be kind enough not to address Miss Briskett by her Christian name!" interrupted Guest, sharply. It seemed to him an impossible humiliation that this woman should still dare to address the girl in the language of friendship. "Let us get to the end of this business. I presume there are other bills, which will come in, in due course; bills for goods ordered in other forged notes.

Miss Briskett again manifested a noble determination to do her duty. "I should like Edward to feel, when he comes over, that I have paid his daughter all due honour. She must have the spare room, and if she spills things over the new carpet, I must pray for grace to bear it.

Miss Briskett left the room, in blissful ignorance of what "mouch" might mean, and much too dignified to inquire, but by the time that ten o'clock had struck, she had learnt to connect the expression with all that was irritating and presumptuous.

"Oh!" said Elma; no more and no less, but as she turned her pansy-like eyes once more to the window, she grimaced expressively. She was sorry for the delusion of the American daughter who was willing to cross a whole ocean for the privilege of beholding Miss Sophia Briskett! "What is she like?" she asked presently. "Did you hear anything about her?" Mrs Ramsden shook her head dolefully.

Your brother leaves you the option of refusing, and I should think things over very seriously before incurring such a responsibility. A three-months' visit! I doubt you could not stand the strain! If you excused yourself on the ground of health, no offence could possibly be taken." But at that Miss Briskett protested strongly. "Oh, my dear, I could not refuse!