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And when Mr Shute was pleased with himself his manner was apt to be of the breeziest. He breezed into the shop, took a seat, and, having cast an experienced eye at Maud, and found her pleasing, extended both hands, and observed, 'Go the limit, kid. At any other time Maud might have resented being addressed as 'kid' by a customer, but now she welcomed it.

Even to-day the breeziest popular melodies in the East are suggestive of the Oratio Jeremiæ.

Moreover, I left Harriet, finally, in the breeziest of spirits, having quite forgotten her disappointment over the non-arrival of the cousins. "If you should get the Starkweathers " "'In the bright lexicon of youth," I observed, "'there is no such word as fail." So I set off up the town road. A team or two had already been that way and had broken a track through the snow.

His air and bearing were such as one expects in a man whose position needs no advertizing; and I have been told that, even in the breeziest moments of unguarded merriment, his chaff was always the chaff of a gentleman.

Not very many days later Paul received the breeziest of letters; it was one of a series of racy rhapsodies that came to him bearing the Santa Rosa postmark. They were such letters as a fellow might write to a college chum, but with no line that could have brought a blush to the cheek of modesty not that the college chum is necessarily given to the inditing of such epistles.

"Just as soon as we got in Miss Howard told us to put books away; then she gave us the breeziest lecture and was as solemn as an owl. I couldn't imagine what was up. Susie Darrow was crying with her handkerchief to her nose, Kat looked as if she was sitting on pins and needles, and I really thought that Sadie Brooks and May Moor would eat us up, the way they actually glared at us.

At one end of the promenade is a covered veranda, thirty or forty feet square, so situated that the breeze draws across it from the sea on one side of the island to the sea on the other, and it is the breeziest and comfortablest place in the world on a hot day. There are two swings beneath it, and here one may sit or walk, and enjoy life, while all other mortals are suffering.

Through the gap thus made the Indians escaped, with a loss of seventeen of their number. The delinquent officer was Jonathan Tipton, younger brother of Colonel John Tipton, of whom we shall hear later. It is possible that from this event dates the Tiptons' feud with Sevier, which supplies one of the breeziest pages in the story of early Tennessee.

Browning is to be congratulated on the production of a work of immense labour and learning. Westminster Gazette. 'Novel and very fascinating history. Wonderfully alluring. Cork Examiner. 'Most delightful, most stimulating. Its racy humour, its original imaginings, make it one of the freshest, breeziest volumes. Methodist Times. 'A survey at once graphic, acute, and quaintly written. Times.

IT was one of the very brightest and breeziest of summer mornings that the Doctor and myself walked homeward from the town poor-house, where he had always one or more patients, and where his coming was always welcomed by the poor, diseased, and age-stricken inmates.