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"But I'm not perfection, Chris; you know that as well as I do." "Probably I shouldn't love you so much if you were; so please don't reform, dear." "And you like me just as I am?" "Precisely. I should break my heart if you became in any way different from what you are now." "But you mustn't break your heart; it belongs to me, and I won't have you smashing up my property."

"Master Petre will be here to-night, as my lord Cromwell's representative, and will sit in the chapter-house to-morrow to receive the surrender." Dom Anthony started to his feet. The Prior made a violent gesture for silence, and then gave the signal to break up. Again the bewildering day went past. The very discipline of the house was a weakness in the defence of the surprised party.

Well, as I say, Helene looked up at me. She kept on looking up at me. And I well, I hung a moment on my pride, and then clasped her in my arms. "Dear minx, thrice wicked one!" I exclaimed, "wherefore do you torment me break my heart?"

I was so much startled that I struggled to withdraw, but the blind man pulled me close up to him with a single action of his arm. "Now, boy," he said, "take me in to the captain." "Sir," said I, "upon my word I dare not." "Oh," he sneered, "that's it! Take me in straight or I'll break your arm." And he gave it, as he spoke, a wrench that made me cry out. "Sir," said I, "it is for yourself I mean.

It is, indeed, hardly less important for the man of business, the farmer, or the mechanic, than for statesmen, legislators, and members of the so-called learned professions. An intelligent farmer of my acquaintance having a piece of greensward to break up, and having three work-horses, determined to employ them all.

The exact particulars of this fearful conflict have not reached us, but we may, without offence, we trust, to the modesty of Mr. O'Driscol, venture to give a general outline of the circumstances, as far as we have heard them. About two o'clock, on the morning alluded to, and while the whole family were asleep, an attempt was made to break open the hall-door.

He advanced and questioned his guest obsequiously: "Your honor wants " The hunchback answered him, roughly: "Wine, good wine. If you bring me sour runnings I'll break your head." The landlord bowed with a dipping upward projection of apologetic hands. "Your honor shall have my best."

Except for little Louis, who was already in bed on the other side of the house where his chamber was, and so knew nothing of the occurrence till the morning, there was no sleep for any that night at Heathknowes. At the first clear break of day Tom and Eben took the cart-horses and rode over to tell Dr. Gillespie, General Johnstone, and Mr.

There is prison for life for all of us if we are taken; and this crowd will break out, sir mark my words. You won't have charge very long. But in that case I mean I might be of service. I can control them all, even Forsythe, when I am awake." "Forsythe!" grinned Denman. "You can thank Forsythe for your round-up.

King Humphrey's voice came from the speaker by Bors's side. "Bors? What?" "Majesty," said Bors. "Talents, Incorporated says the enemy fleet will break out of overdrive in just about ten minutes. We're out here waiting for it, instead of aground as they'll expect. They'll break out in complete confusion. Even with great luck, they'll lose time assembling into combat formation.