United States or Lebanon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Carew thrust fiercely into the press, the louts and loafers giving way. "What, here! Nicholas Attwood," said he, harshly, "come hither." "Do na leave him take me," begged Nick. "He is not my master; I am not bound out apprentice they are stealing me away from my own home, and it will break my mother's heart."

"Thank, thank you for that!" exclaimed the officer, drawing himself up with the air of one who breathes more freely. "I would not, for the wealth and honours of the united world, that such a cause for self-reproach should linger on my mind. By Heaven! it would break my heart to think we had been in time to save them, and yet had lost the opportunity through even one moment of neglect."

He had to break away and become acquainted with his heritage the way Seong Seob, as much as he was capable of, had to flee from the cousin and then him, as perverted as he was, to end those 20+ years of disparaged containment.

"You want a dog now there's no man in your house." She laughed a little as she said, "And he feels his responsibility, don't you, Jim?" "Come here, lad," Halkett called to him. "Come on. That's right!" "He seems to like you." "I never knew the dog that didn't; but don't make him too soft, or he'll be no good to you." "Well," she said gaily, "you are not likely to break into our house!"

I know what a rotten hole Vancouver or any other seaport town is for a girl alone. I won't let you make any foolish break like that. That's flat." From this position she failed to budge him.

Then wildly through the stillness of the night that bugle blew; faithfully it was echoed from without; and the war-cry of the avenging Greek broke upon the Moslem's ear. From every side that terrible storm seemed to break at once; shrieks of agony and terror swelled the tumult. The Turks fled in all directions, and the Grecian leader was soon surrounded by his comrades.

This was particularly the case with a young non-commissioned officer who jumped on the step of Mr. Wodehouse's break, and engaged us in conversation whilst we continued on our way.

He'll break her up, troubles and all, and she's for firewood ... there you are, my dear, there you are ... but you should have seen her at Blackwall, in the old days ... what's the East India Dock Road like, these times?"

On the occasion of the present visit to Plumstead she had consented to lay her head for two nights on the parsonage pillows, and on the second evening her brother the major was to come over from Cosby Lodge to meet her. Before his coming the affair of Grace Crawley was discussed. "It would break my heart, Griselda," said the archdeacon, piteously "and your mother's."

"That I will, ma'am," said Ready, putting his quadrant on the capstan: "now, Juno, give me the child, and go down first; backwards, you stupid girl! how often do I tell you that? Some day or another you will come down with a run." "And break my head," said Juno. "Yes, or break your arm; and then who is to hold the child?" As soon as they were all down in the cabin, the captain and Mr.