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"Yes," he continued," when the bullet struck him, I was as near to him as I am to her," and he put his hand to his wife's head. "It might have been me as well as him, only for the chance. I'll tell you how the manner of it was. You know bow we all strove to cross back into La Vendee, first at Angers and afterwards at Ancenis; and how M. Henri got divided from the army at Ancenis.

Yet to-day I have received from a simple seaman, a man standing on the lowest plane of society, the following letter: "Much respected Lyof Nikolaevitch, I greet you with a low bow, with love, much respected Lyof Nikolaevitch. I have read your book. It was very pleasant reading for me. I have been a great lover of reading your works.

Three of Vigne's friends were with her, all approximately eighteen, talking, Linda knew, men and it was autumn anticipating the excitements of their bow to formal society that winter. They had, she silently added, little enough to learn about the latter.

His attire consisted only of breech-cloth and leggins, with no covering for the upper part of his person a garb offering fewest obstructions to his movements through the forest. In his hand he held a bow; a quiver full of arrows was slung across his back; the tomahawk was returned to the girdle around his loins, and a knife hung by a deer-sinew from his neck.

One of the most marked features, however, was an exquisite life-size statue of Diana at the foot of the bed, grasping her bow with one hand, and in the act of seizing an arrow with the other, as if aroused to self-defence. When Dennis first saw it, he was so startled by its lifelike attitude that he stepped back into the passage.

All looked to the French as their deliverers. In a few hours several hundred warriors, with the French, were on the march. The arrow from the bow is but a feeble weapon compared with the bullet from rifle. The Iroquois, having had much intercourse with the French in Canada, were many of them supplied with fire-arms.

Tuttle did not favor the grave character of these symposia. With the assured manner peculiar to her, she swept into such circles bearing a round box of candy, upon which was tied a large bow of satin ribbon of a convivial shade of heliotrope. Opening this box she handed it about, commanding, "Help yourself." At first it was considered refined to refuse.

Eyre was up at the bow, trying to catch some glimpse of the outlines of the coast or to make out some light that would show them where the entrance to Tarbert harbor lay.

Bart replied, with a bow that was decisive, "if I am not, it is my own fault, as it is the fault of every man." At this present moment they were standing with their children, Lancelot and Insie, who had nicely recovered from matrimony, and began to be too high-spirited. They all knew, by virtue of Mr.

"You may look upon him as my nephew," added Captain Passford, glancing at his son, who gave a slight bow for the benefit of the guest on board.