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Let's double our investment in afterschool and summer school programs boosting achievement, and keeping children off the street and out of trouble. If we do, we can give every child in every failing school in America the chance to meet high standards. Since 1993, we've nearly doubled our investment in Head Start and improved its quality.

The Delafield Daily Dispatch carried at its masthead every afternoon one or more of such slogans as these: "Be a Delafield Booster," "Boost for more Industries," "Put Delafield on the Map," "Double Delafield in Half a Decade," "Delafield, the Darling of Destiny," "Watch Delafield Grow, but Don't Stop Boosting to Rubber."

I immediately assumed that my brother would be right beside me when I climbed those stairs: him first and then me. But he just sat there, boosting my confidence with a faraway smile. I nearly told Atmananda to write the song with my brother. Instead, I chose instead to go with the flow. I climbed.

When Frankling broke closing-time rules at Browning Hall by a good thirty minutes some two-to-one money was placed on him. When Ole and Miss Spencer cut chapel the next day the odds promptly switched. You could get takers on either side at any time, but I think the odds favored Ole a little. You can't help boosting your preferences with your good money. It's like betting on your college team.

His first comfort was from Ted and Eunice Littlefield. They danced in one evening when Ted was home from the university, and Ted chuckled, "What's this I hear from Euny, dad? She says her dad says you raised Cain by boosting old Seneca Doane. Hot dog! Give 'em fits! Stir 'em up! This old burg is asleep!"

I do all the hiring, firing, and boosting in my department." "I appeal to you, O'Neil. I'm short-handed," Gordon cried. "I tell you he don't have a word to say about it," Slater declared with heat. Natalie gave a little tinkling laugh. She recognized in this man the melancholy hero of more than one tale "The Irish Prince" had told her.

It required quite a stride to get from one spike to the other; in fact the littler ones couldn't have managed it at all, had it not been for Clover and Cecy "boosting" very hard from below, while Katy, making a long arm, clawed from above.

Trusts were formed in all of the important branches of industry and trade. The public looked upon the trust as a means of picking pockets through trade conspiracies and the boosting of prices. The Sherman Anti-Trust Law had been passed on that assumption. In reality, the trusts were organized by far seeing men who realized that competition was wasteful in practice and unsound in theory.

They told him that. "If somebody else offered sixty cents you'd sell to him, wouldn't you?" MacRae asked a dozen of them sitting on the Blanco's deck one afternoon. They had been talking about canneries and competition. "Not if he was boosting the price up just to make you quit, and then cut it in two when he had everything to himself," one man said. "That's been done too often."