United States or Guyana ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The centre rail should on the curves also be 3/8 inch deep, and raised slightly above the bed so as to project above the wheel rails. The method already described of bonding at joints will serve equally well on curves. If the outer rail is super-elevated slightly, there will be less tendency for the rolling stock to jump the track when rounding the curve.

The bonding privileges on both sides the border were to be given an assured basis; the unneighborly alien labor laws were to be relaxed; the Rush-Bagot Convention regarding armament on the Great Lakes was to be revised; Canadian vessels were to abandon pelagic sealing in Bering Sea for a money compensation; and a reciprocity treaty covering natural products and some manufactures was sketched out.

With this material plates can be cast in large surfaces, and with but few joints. A system of bonding the plates may also be adopted, which will ensure the perfect combination of every part, so as to form an entire mass, and thus the best form for strength and stability can easily be obtained.

Assumption and Funding.% For the redemption of this debt Hamilton prepared two measures, the funding, or, as we should say, the bonding, of the foreign and Continental debt, and the assuming and funding of the state debts.

Its bonding privilege was one of the most disgraceful bits of jobbery ever lobbied through a corrupt little legislature. It was a political scandal from its birth. It is burdened with a multitude of equities. It never has paid, and likely it never will pay. You know these things as well as I do. I'm hanged if I see why you want it." "If we don't get it some one else will," said York.

During all this time surely communications of some kind passed to or from this country; and it was self-apparent that the treaty might have been revised and extended before recent causes of irritation had appeared. Those causes had led to much bitter feeling, and it might now be too late to restore the principle of the treaty and of the Bonding Acts in all their integrity.

Property thus appears as the condition of the freedom of the press, indeed of the morality of the writer. The straightforwardness of the first days of citizen sovereignty only expresses in a childishly frank manner what is today artfully obtained by bonding and stamp taxes.

"Here we are," he said. "Eric!" Jennifer hugged him warmly. "Eric has a puppy for us." "A puppy?" Jennifer looked at the photograph. "Oh, how cute! How cute! Oh, Oliver, wouldn't it be just perfect for Emma?" "Mmm." It was hard for Oliver to disagree. "I can bring her any time you'd like. Sooner would be better you know bonding and all that."

Watkin said he wished to ask the Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs to state the present position of negociations with the Government of the United States in reference to the proposed termination or repeal by the United States of the "Reciprocity Treaty," and of the "Bonding Act," under which instruments facilities for mutual commercial interchange have been afforded, and a large and increasing trade has grown up with the colonies of British North America?

I do not think the company bonding him will refuse to continue to be his surety. You must make your own arrangement as to legally representing him, signing his name and the like, and of course you will have to do all the work, for he will be helpless for some time to come. Are you willing to undertake the responsibility?" "Gladly." "Then that is settled.