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The King Arthur stories pleased him, and he always took a peculiar satisfaction in the fact that the name Arthur was the same in English, German and French. He was a prenatal cosmopolitan. Boarding-schools are a great scheme for getting the children out of the way it throws the responsibility upon some one else.

When she grew older, she wished to go away to school, and her father allowed her; he had no great respect for boarding-schools, but if Marcia wanted to try it, he was willing to humor the joke. What resulted was a great proficiency in the things that pleased her, and ignorance of the other things.

Hot down in Mobile," his style taking somewhat unpleasantly the intonation as well as the negligence of the bar-room, "can't live in Mobile in the summer. Then your papers circulate more among us than ours among you. Our daughters are educated at Northern boarding-schools, our sons at Northern colleges: both my colleague and myself were educated at Northern colleges.

To do so is to insure moral disorder whether in our schools or yours. To quote from an excellent paper of Dr. Butler's: "In giving us sisters," says one of the Hares in Guesses at Truth, "God gave us the best moral antiseptic," and it is their absence more than anything else that has produced the moral problems which our boarding-schools present.

At one point we may find a good crop of virtues, at another a barren tract; and the home influences which have ripened the one and blighted the other are calculated by the lapse of time to increase the contrast rather than to diminish it. I suppose it is for this reason that the custom of sending children to boarding-schools has so firm a hold among us.

"Nothing won't do but to be at it from the very beginning," said the superior, with a toss of his powdered head; "fight after it as much as ever they like, wear the best of gownds, and go to the fustest of boarding-schools though they plays ever so well on the piando, and talks Italian like a reg'lar Frenchman nothing won't do there's the boiled mutton and turnips shocking wulgarity!

"Children generally, without exception, says Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau, the boys from five to twelve, the girls from five to eleven years of age, must be brought up in common at the expense of the Republic; all, under the sacred law of equality, are to receive the same clothing, the same food, the same education, the same attention "in boarding-schools distributed according to cantons, and containing each from four to six hundred pupils.

Boltze, the mathematician, taught, she gave him the preference over the heads of the other boarding-schools in the Mark. I was not reluctant to undertake the hard work, yet I felt like a colt which is led from the pastures to the stable.

"If she is to make a disturbance here, become a bone of contention with us, I will send her away. Cousin Giles is taking a great interest in her. There are good boarding-schools in Boston, or she and Miss Winn could have a home together under his supervision. There is enough to provide for them." "And you would turn her over to that half-heathen woman!" in a horrified tone.

Through the door of a third chamber, which the old man had left open, Godefroid beheld two cots of painted wood, like those of the cheapest boarding-schools, each with a straw bed and a thin mattress, on which there was but one blanket.