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"A fall?" cried the girl, her face blanching a little, as she flashed a glance downstream. "Oh, that would have been terrible! It was fortunate that you were here." "Very," he agreed earnestly, "and I am beginning to think that it was providential; though all day I have been cursing my luck that I should have been in this neighbourhood at all. I have no business here."

Dale seemed so very old and very wise that the tiny girl listened to his verdict with blanching face. He knew, of course. "Where d'you live?" demanded Dale. "Why, you're just a baby! Anybody with you?" The child pointed rather uncertainly to one of the intersecting streets. "I come that way," she said, then, even while saying it, began to wonder if that were the way she had come.

He started toward her so fiercely that she recoiled, a sudden pallor blanching her rosy loveliness. Then he turned abruptly away again, and got out of the house. Interest in the question who would be bishop increased as Lent waned and the time for the meeting of the convention approached.

But it has lost in some measure that advantage since it has been known that the secret depended merely upon the art of blanching the grains of the other sort, by depriving it of the exterior pellicle. Sometimes it is only buried in the ground.

Two beds close together; in one a form of noble proportions, and in the other the meagre figure of a girl almost buried from sight among pillows and huddled-up blankets. Both are quiet save for an occasional shudder which shakes the bed of the latter. Ermentrude lies like the dead, though the moonlight falls full upon her face blanching it to the aspect of marble.

"What d'ye ken o' this, David?" he asked, at length, in a dry thin voice, reaching forward in his chair. "O' what?" "O' this," holding up the slip. "And ye'el obleege me by the truth for once." David turned, took up the paper, read it, and laughed harshly. "It's coom to this, has it?" he said, still laughing, and yet with blanching face. "Ye ken what it means.

There is a plot to carry you off to-night, and give you up to your brother the monk; you are betrayed; be brave! Pelagia read it with blanching cheek and staring eyes; and took, at least, the last part of Miriam's advice.

They left him to read it in peace. Talking together Mr. and Mrs. Channing, Mr. Huntley, William Yorke, Hamish, Constance all were in a group round the fire, paying no attention to him. No attention, until an exclamation caused them to turn. An exclamation half of distress, half of fear. Arthur had risen from his chair, and stood, the picture of excitement, his face and lips blanching.

"I'll warrant he did!" the king answered, suppressing, however, in deference to her distress, his desire to laugh. "Ventre-saint-gris, mademoiselle! forgive me if this amuses me here at St. Denis. I trow it was not amusing in the Hôtel de Lorraine." "He sent for me, Sire," she went on, blanching at the memory; "he accused me of shielding M. de Mar. It was true. He called me liar, traitor, wanton.

If you are in a scrape perhaps I could help you out of it." "It's worse than a scrape! It's something beyond the pale; it's the sort of thing they shoot a man for, down where you came from! Now you know!" "Yes," responded Willa slowly, "I do know. Now tell me what that check is, which Starr Wiley is holding over your head." Vernon rose with blanching face. "You heard! Good Lord, where were you?"