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Sometime to represent her in the National Congress, and to do her service and credit there, was the highest goal of his youthful aspirations. For this cause, he settled in the obscure hamlet of Blackville, and opened his law office in one of the basement rooms of the county court-house.

We all remained strung along this railroad till the 9th of February the Seventeenth Corps on the right, then the Fifteenth, Twentieth, and cavalry, at Blackville.

It rushes, roaring, down the side of the precipice, now hiding under a heavy growth of evergreen, now bursting into light as it foams over the face of some rock, until at length it tumbles down to the foot of the mountain and flows along through the bottom of the Valley, until about half way down its length, it widens into a little lake, called, from its hue, the Black Water, or the Black Pond; then narrowing again, it flows on down past the little hamlet of Blackville, situated at the foot or southern extremity of the Black Valley.

On the 10th I rode up to Blackville, where I conferred with Generals Slocum and Kilpatrick, became satisfied that the whole army would be ready within a day, and accordingly made orders for the next movement north to Columbia, the right wing to strike Orangeburg en route.

Captain Pendleton, will you oblige me by despatching a messenger to Coroner Taylor at Blackville?" he then inquired, turning to the only friend upon whose discretion he felt he could rely. Captain Pendleton nodded acquiescence and intelligence, and left the room, as if for the purpose specified.

And he was immediately obeyed by the falling off of the crowd, one of whom threw open a window. "Some one should fetch a physician!" suggested Beatrix Pendleton, whose palsied tongue was now at length unloosed. And half a dozen gentlemen immediately started for the stables to dispatch a messenger for the village doctor from Blackville.

Fortunately for the fascinated husband and the jealous wife, the Circuit Court was now sitting at Blackville, and the lawyer's professional duties demanded all Mr. Berner's time.

"Yes; but mind, I sent an old man on an old mule. It will be many hours before he reaches Blackville; many more before the coroner gets here. Good Heaven! Berners, I had to do that! Don't you see the awful danger of your innocent wife?" exclaimed Captain Pendleton, in an agitated voice. "Don't I see it? I am not mad, or blind.

It rises in those distant mountains, which are called the Black Rocks, and which shut in our Black Valley. The village here is called Blackville," explained Lyon Berners. "What a deal of blackness!" replied Rosa Blondelle. "If you think so, I must tell you in the first place that we are not responsible for having named these places; and in the second, that the names are really appropriate.

What is his name?" Very subdued came the answer. Old Bertram was obliged to bend his gray head to his daughter's lips, and put his shrivelled hand behind his ear to catch the sound of her low voice. "He is the young lawyer newly settled in Blackville, whose praise is on everybody's lips." "JOHN LYON HOWE!" exclaimed the old man, throwing up his head in astonishment.