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Roman authorship and the study of grammar, however, were about coincident in their beginnings with the temporary cessation of war and the second closing of the temple of Janus. "Cato's encyclopædia... was little more than an embodiment of the old Roman household knowledge, and truly when compared with the Hellenic culture of the period, was scanty enough." MOMMSEN, bk.

If now from these points B, O, A, there are drawn the straight lines BK, ON, AR, through the centres of the same ellipses, and if through these centres there are drawn also the diameters LD, PP, QQ, parallel to the tangents BM, OH, AS; these will be conjugate to the aforesaid BK, ON, AR. And because the three ellipses are similar and similarly disposed, and have their diameters LD, PP, QQ parallel, it is certain that their conjugate diameters BK, ON, AR, will also be parallel.

All this is within the reach of anyone who cares enough for it to pay the price. Christi, Bk. Ruysbroeck: "The Mirror of Eternal Salvation," Cap. In the past six chapters we have been considering in the main our own position, and how, here in the present, we as adults may actualize and help on the spiritual life in ourselves.

Let me add this new discipline to what I had before. Seeking as I am to become expanded into the infinite, this experience discloses a new avenue thither. All things work together for good to them that love the Lord." Bradley's Ethical Studies, essay vi. Green's Prolegomena of Ethics, bk. iii. ch. ii. Alexander's Moral Order and Progress, bk. iii. ch. iv.

"But I must make an arrangement which is to last for years, and perhaps for my lifetime; therefore the sooner I place myself on my footing it will be so much the better. Always, dear Skene, your obliged and faithful, W. SCOTT." Pope's Imitation of Horace, Bk. ii Sat. 6. These Letters appeared in the Edinburgh Weekly Journal in February and March 1826.

To enhance the wonder, see How arch his notices, how nice his sense Of the ridiculous; not blind is he To the broad follies of the licensed world, Yet innocent himself withal, though shrewd, And can read lectures upon innocence; A miracle of scientific lore, Ships he can guide across the pathless sea, And tell you all their cunning; he can read The inside of the earth, and spell the stars; He knows the policies of foreign lands; Can string you names of districts, cities, towns, The whole world over, tight as beads of dew Upon a gossamer thread; he sifts, he weighs; All things are put to question; he must live Knowing that he grows wiser every day Or else not live at all, and seeing too Each little drop of wisdom as it falls Into the dimpling cistern of his heart: For this unnatural growth the trainer blame, Pity the tree," "The Prelude," Bk.

I did so, And heard that instant in an unknown tongue, Which yet I understood, articulate sounds, A loud prophetic blast of harmony." WORDSWORTH, "The Prelude," Bk.

In the meantime, and while the heart still lived, his successor for the next year was chosen. Conquest of Mexico, Bk. I, ch. 3. Dr.

Neither is quite right. 'Death Grinn'd horrible a ghastly smile. P. L., Bk. In Vol. No. 174. Wednesday, September 19, 1711. Steele. 'Haec memini et victum frustra contendere Thyrsin. Virg.

There are some disputed points in Roman law and practice concerning abortion; they are discussed in Balestrini's valuable book, Aborto, pp. 30 et seq. Augustine, De Civitate Dei, Bk. XXII, Ch. The development of opinion and law concerning abortion has been traced by Eugène Bausset, L'Avortement Criminel, Thèse de Paris, 1907.