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I felt that I was ruined in her eyes for ever! She would never listen to my attempt at vindication or apologies women are so unforgiving when a man strays for a moment from the path of propriety, and they regard little weaknesses in the light of premeditated crimes, too heinous for pardon Irene would cry out with the poet: "Tu te fais criminel pour te justifier!"

Whilst holding this position she had the honour of receiving, among those entrusted to her charge, another Gabrielle, murderess, Gabrielle Bompard, the history of whose crime is next to be related. Eyraud and Bompard "L'Affaire Gouffe" by Dr. Lacassagne, Lyons, 1891, and Goron "L'Amour Criminel" may be consulted.

In an old French book, called "La Charlatanerie des Savans," is the following note: "D'autres ont propose et resolu en meme tems des questions ridicules; par exemple celle-ci: Devroit-on faire souffrir une seconde fois le meme genre de mort a un criminel, qui apres avoir eu la tete coupee viendroit a resusciter?" Finkelth, Praef. ad Observationes Pract. num. 12.

Then the Lieutenant Criminel bethought himself that the only way to make him speake would bee to sende for a ministre soe hee did to Monsr Daillie but hee because the Edicts don't permitt ministres to come to condemned persons in publique but only to comfort them in private before they goe out of prison refused to come till hee sent a huissier who if he had refused the second time would have brought him by force.

For his part hee never had any evill intention against the Person of the King. The Lieutenant Criminel stood all the while behind Monsieur Daillie and hearkened to all and prompted Monsr Daillie to aske him if hee had said there were 10 Ravillacs besides wch would doe the King's businesse.

His gaiety broke forth into a light-hearted contempt of his gaolers, and the Lieutenant Criminel, who would interrogate him, was covered with ridicule. Not for an instant did he bow to fate: all shackled as he was, his legs engarlanded in heavy chains which he called his garters he tempered his merriment with the meditation of escape.

There are some disputed points in Roman law and practice concerning abortion; they are discussed in Balestrini's valuable book, Aborto, pp. 30 et seq. Augustine, De Civitate Dei, Bk. XXII, Ch. The development of opinion and law concerning abortion has been traced by Eugène Bausset, L'Avortement Criminel, Thèse de Paris, 1907.

Paris: June 22, 1669. My Lord, The Lieutenant criminel hath proceeded pretty farre with Le Roux Marsilly.