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"I was hurt. They take me hospital, but the Baas, he send for me." "They let you come without a guard?" "No not. They are outside" Krool jerked a finger towards the rear of the house "with the biltong and the dop." "You are a liar, Krool. There may be biltong, but there is no dop." "What matters!" Krool's face had a leer.

So they pulled up by a stream and suffered the beasts to drink some water, though not much, while they themselves devoured biltong, of which they had a little in the saddle-bags. "Why do we ride for the peak?" asked Suzanne.

If I could get the management of one of those campaigns, I would know what to do, for I have studied the Boer. He values the Bible above every other thing. The most delicious edible in South Africa is "biltong." You will have seen it mentioned in Olive Schreiner's books. It is what our plainsmen call "jerked beef." It is the Boer's main standby. He has a passion for it, and he is right.

If the traveller gets his lion, he plays even with the fauna of the country; if he gets two or more lions, he has something to his credit. This probably explains why the game is still so remarkably abundant near the road and on the very outskirts of the town. We were now much in need of a fair quantity of meat, both for immediate consumption of our safari, and to make biltong or jerky.

So it came about that at the time when Ralph and Suzanne were surprised by Swart Piet, Sihamba was riding along quietly upon the horse which Jan had given her, accompanied by the lad Zinti, perched on the strong brown mule in the midst of cooking pots, bags of meal, biltong, and rolls of blankets.

"And we must have a good supply of biltong before we enter the forest; but we cannot afford to take risks. Just examine the shore for a creek, and at dusk we will run across." The boys passed the afternoon searching the south bank for signs of a creek, and in the evening the Okapi shaped her course across to a likely spot they had marked out.

``No, not many, Smith reflected. ``The Boers had the range all right that time. ``Gave it us proper, said Cane. ``We were hungry that night, said Smith. ``I could have eaten biltong. ``I did eat some of it, said Cane. ``Not bad stuff, what there was of it, only not enough. ``I don't think, said Smith, ``that I've ever slept on the bare earth since.

Before long, however, a stiffish breeze sprang up, blowing directly in the direction we wanted, so we improvized a sail with a blanket and the pole, which took us along merrily. This done, we devoured the remnants of our biltong, washed down with the sweet lake water, and then lit our pipes and awaited whatever might turn up.

There was not much to eat, but I soaked some biscuit in water for Tota, and Indaba-zimbi and I made a scanty meal of biltong. When we had done I took off Tota's frock, wrapped her up in a blanket near the fire we had made, and lit a pipe. I sat there by the side of the sleeping orphaned child, and from my heart thanked Providence for saving her life and mine from the slaughter of that day.

The ox is killed and cut into biltong, and the meal baked into stormjagers, a kind of dumpling fried in dripping. Now Scheepers' little corps, which consisted of half a dozen men, was probably not very well off itself in the matter of provisions in any case, they offered me none. The commissariat consisted of nothing but oxen and meal, cold comfort for me.