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Hester Alden's arm was raised, but it did not touch her opponent." "Yes; I did!" cried Hester. "I touched her and then remembered." "I didn't know. It must have been a very slight touch," said Louise. "We've scored," cried Berenice. "I am refereeing the game. Foul on the freshmen." Determination shone in Helen's eyes as she gave Berenice a look that would have subdued a sensitive person.

They bought them of the Arab traders, who came to Cosseir and the Troglodytic Berenicê from the opposite coast; the Arabs had probably bought them from the caravans that had carried them across the desert from the Persian Gulf; and that these land journeys across the desert were both easier and cheaper than a coasting voyage, we have before learned, from Phila-delphus thinking it worth while to build watering and resting-houses in the desert between Koptos and Berenicê, to save the voyage between Berenicê and Cosseir.

But Falcroft immediately paid court to Madame Mineur, and Berenice had to content herself with watching him and making fun to her stepfather of the American painter's height and gestures. The visit had been repeated. Berenice was amused by a dinner en ville and a theatre party, and then Hubert Falcroft became a friend of the household.

O thou that amongst the Goddesses hast the prize of beauty, O Lady Aphrodite, thy care was she, and by thy favour the lovely Berenice crossed not Acheron, the river of mourning, but thou didst catch her away, ere she came to the dark water, and to the still-detested ferryman of souls outworn, and in thy temple didst thou instal her, and gavest her a share of thy worship.

Brudenell, inquired: "Any news of Herman yet, mamma, dear?" "No, love, not yet. You've had a pleasant drive, Berenice?" "Very pleasant." "I thought so; you have more color than when you went. You should go out every morning, my dear." "Yes, mamma," said the young lady, hurrying away. Mrs. Brudenell recalled her.

I hope that you will pardon me," he added, looking steadily at Berenice, "if I hurry away one of your guests." She laughed quite in her natural manner. "I will forgive anything," she said, "except that you should hurry away yourself so unceremoniously. Come and sit down near me. I want to talk to you about Blakeley."

"Very well, then, let us leave Berenice for the present" I groaned "and go to her father, Mr. Montenero, and to a certain Mrs. Coates." "Mrs. Coates! did you see her too?" cried my mother: "you seem to have seen every body in the world this morning, Mr. Harrington. How happened it that you saw vulgar Mrs. Coates?"

Berenice, perusing the apology from Beales Chadsey, which her mother very much fagged and weary handed her the next morning, thought that it read like the overnight gallantry of some one who was seeking to make amends without changing his point of view. Mrs. Carter was too obviously self-conscious. She protested too much.

But the following November, forsaking temporarily his difficult affairs in Chicago for New York and the Carter apartment in Central Park South, Cowperwood again encountered the Lieutenant, who arrived one evening brilliantly arrayed in full official regalia in order to escort Berenice to a ball.

A few minutes before the Kadi had reached the scene of the festival two carrier pigeons had arrived, each bearing the Arab governor's commands that the sacrifice of Paula was at any rate to be stopped, and her life spared till his return. He also reserved the right of deciding Orion's fate. Mary and Rustem had met Amru at Berenice, on the Egyptian coast of the Red Sea.