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Fortunately, the "Lusanga," one of the Huileries du Congo Belge steamers, was about to start for the Kwilu River, which branches off from the Kasai, and the company was kind enough to order it to take me to Dima, which was off the prescribed itinerary of the vessel. On a brilliant morning at the end of June I set forth.

On the beach were some fine elephant tusks which have been collected by the agents of the Société Anonyme Belge. When a native finds a pair of tusks in the territory of the company, the State takes one as a royalty and the company buys the other for a certain quantity of cloth.

I cannot be held responsible, remember!" And with a smile, he turned and entered the house. Hardly realising my good fortune, I nearly hugged my new friend, the Lieutenant. "Monsieur," I said, saluting, "I am un Belge soldat pro tem." Laughingly he told me to get my kit ready, and from a soldier who could speak English I borrowed a water-bottle and two blankets.

Good, so far, for the drinking water! and as to what that beautiful stream was soaking up when it was round corners I did not see it, so I do not know but I will be bound it was some abomination or another. But it's no use talking, it's the same all along, Sierra Leone, Grain Coast, Ivory Coast, Gold Coast, Lagos, Rivers, Cameroon, Congo Francais, Kacongo, Congo Belge, and Angola.

Chittenden's A wonderful teacher My personal experiences as a schoolmaster My "boys in blue" My unfortunate garments A "brave Belge" The model boy, and his name A Spartan regime "The Three Sundays" Novel religious observances Harrow "John Smith of Harrow" "Tommy" Steele "Tosher" An ingenious punishment John Farmer His methods The birth of a famous song Harrow school songs "Ducker" The "Curse of Versatility" Advancing old age The race between three brothers A family failing My father's race at sixty-four My own A most acrimonious dispute at Rome Harrow after fifty years.

By far the most interesting day I spent on the Belgian front was not in the trenches but in a long, low, wooden building well to the rear. Over the door was a sign which read: "Section Photographique de l'Armée Belge." Here are brought to be developed and enlarged and scrutinized the hundreds of photographs which are taken daily by Belgian aviators flying over the German lines.

The predynastic Egyptians may well have adopted similar means for preserving a remembrance of their past history. M. Foucart illustrates this point by citing the case of the Bushongos, who have in this way preserved a list of no less than a hundred and twenty-one of their past kings; op. cit., p. 182, and cf. Tordey and Joyce, "Les Bushongos", in Annales du Musée du Congo Belge, sér. III, t.

L'Echo Belge and L'Indépendance Belge and all the Brussels papers were either out of business or being issued as single sheets in Holland and England.

She flew the flag of the Huileries du Congo Belge, the palm oil concern founded by Lord Leverhulme and the most important all-British commercial interest in the Congo. She was one of a fleet of ten boats that operate on the Congo, the Kasai, the Kwilu and other rivers. I not only had a comfortable cabin but the rarest of luxuries in Central Africa, a regulation bathtub, was available.

When the railway from the Katanga is constructed its prestige will increase. Kinshassa owes a part of its development to the Huileries du Congo Belge. Its plant dominates the river front. There are a dozen huge tanks into which the palm-oil flows from the barges. The fluid is then run into casks and sent down by rail to Matadi, whence it goes in steamers to Europe.