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Just as Bräsig was about to explain the reason of his and Hawermann's visit, Mrs. Behrens, who had begun to take off her husband's clerical garments, called out: "Don't speak, Mr. Hawermann; Bräsig be quiet, leave it all to me. I'll tell you all about it," she continued, turning to her husband, "for the story is a sad one yes, Mr. Hawermann, terribly sad and so it will be better for me to speak.

His brilliant career glorified musical Norway; gave it confidence to assert itself, and serve as the inspiration of a long list of creative tone artists Kjerulf, Nordraak, Grieg, Svendsen, Winter-Hjelm, Sindling, and Behrens to write out and arrange for voice and modern instruments the music that had so long been preserved in the memories of the people.

Behrens, you may trust me not to do that," here he went nearer the clergyman's wife with both arms outstretched, and she once more retreated behind the table. "Indeed, you've nothing to fear. I'm not a Jesuit." "No, Bräsig, you're an old heathen, but you arn't a Jesuit. But if you say anything about it * Oh me! Hawermann must be told, my pastor says so.

Behrens, Hawermann is in a bad humor, and that is enough to show you that something unpleasant is going on. When I went to Pümpelhagen last week I found him busy with the hay and rape-harvest, and said: 'Good-morning, I said. 'Good-morning, said he. 'Charles, I began, and was going to have said something when he interrupted me by asking: 'Have you seen Triddelfitz anywhere? 'Yes, I answered.

But he iss not McKay; he iss not Simpson; he iss not Behrens; he iss not Colville; he iss not Douglas. And I say to you, as I learned last night you see, they asked me also to tell what I knew of Oregon I say to you that last night McLaughlin was deposed. He iss in charge no more so soon as they can get word to him, he loses his place at Vancouver." "After a lifetime in the service!" I commented.

As she left the old Melrose home, the big limousine was standing at the door, and presently Annie and Leslie would sweep out in their flowing veils and crapes, and whirl off to the Von Behrens mansion.

You gray-hound!" giving Fred a hearty dig in the ribs as he spoke. "It's all your fault that I shall have another attack of gout. But now, I'll tell you what, every one shall know what a d d Jesuit you are. Hawermann, he *" "For God's sake," cried Mrs. Behrens, "don't attend to a single word that Bräsig says. Hawermann, Mr. von Rambow, the whole thing is ended and done with.

His return to Denmark took place late in 1799. A double appointment awaited him at Copenhagen two government offices, neither bringing in a large salary, but sufficient to allow of his marrying; and accordingly Amelia Behrens became his wife in May 1800.

This is Saturday, so the parson will be writing his sermon, and the Dragon will be busy, so it is a favorable opportunity for us to meet, and the alder-bushes will screen us from every eye. "In an agony of longing to see you, EVER THINE." "No!" cried little Mrs. Behrens when she had read the letter. "This is really too much of a good thing! Ah, my dear sister, I'm sorry for you!

Michael Behrens, responsible for the digital library, answered to my questions in his e-mail of September 25, 1998. ML: "When did you begin your digital library?" To some here, 'digital library' seems to be everything that, even remotely, has to do with the Internet. The library started its own web server some time in summer 1995.