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We fared well, on rice, beans, and crackers, with canned corned beef, and salmon or any game that had been shot, and coffee, tea, and matte. I then usually sat down somewhere to write, and when the mules were nearly ready I popped my writing-materials into my duffel-bag/war-sack, as we would have called it in the old days on the plains.

According to Humboldt, the Indians of the Orinoco sometimes amuse themselves by rubbing certain beans to make them attract wisps of the wild cotton, and the custom is doubtless very old. Certainly the ancient Greeks knew that a piece of amber had when rubbed the property of attracting light bodies.

If they do not appear to be of a fine green, pour off the vinegar, boil it up again, cover the gherkins with fresh green vine leaves, and pour over the vinegar again. French beans are pickled exactly the same. Remove the stalks and leaves, break the flower into pieces, parboil them in brine, then drain them, and lay them in a jar, and pour over boiling spiced vinegar.

Really! I should like to see it. A few radishes and spindly lettuce, I suppose?" "Say, come have a look!" says I. And when I'd pointed out the half acre of potatoes, and the long rows of corn and string beans and peas and I hope I called 'em all by their right names I sure had the old girl hedgin' some. But trust her!

The articles containing most of the three articles needed generally in the body are as follows: for fat and heat-making butter, lard, sugar, and molasses; for muscle-making lean meat, cheese, peas, beans, and lean fishes; for brain and nerves shell-fish, lean meats, peas, beans, and very active birds and fishes who live chiefly on food in which phosphorus abounds.

"We have the beans," Burton admitted, "but it is very awkward not knowing how long one's condition is going to last. I might go out without my beans one day, and find myself assailed by all manner of amazing inclinations." "My dear young man," the professor said earnestly, "let me point out to you that this is a wonderful position in which you have been placed.

"Ephraim Scranton told me that the commissioners had come as far as the Three Mile Tavern, and that he rather 'spected they'd be along here to-night," said John, as he was helping round the baked beans to the silent company at the tea table. "To-night? do tell, now!" said Aunt Hitty. "Then it's time we were awake and stirring. Let's see what can be got."

The watcher deplored that he had not done more than taste the beans when he had taken his final survey of the place this morning. They had been good beans, but to do more than taste them would have been stealing. Now he saw them thrown away and regretted that he could not have known what their fate was to be. There had been enough of them to save him a day's expenses.

Fetlock Jones the name of the youth said that Flint picked him up on a prospecting tramp, and as he had neither home nor friends in America, he had found it wise to stay and take Buckner's hard usage for the sake of the salary, which was bacon and beans. Further than this he could offer no testimony.

"Well, dat's all right, but don't you-ens eat no mo'." "Can't we have these scraps." "Yes, you may; you may have dem scraps." We already had our pockets stuffed. At another time, working around the commissary, I filled my pockets with beans and potatoes. These were the only full messes I got while in prison.