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San Francisco faces the sunrise, but there is a broad glittering bay and a coast range with brawny bare shoulders between them: I sailed over the flashing water, rode under the mountains and threaded three tunnels before I began to realize that I was a fugitive from home. It was midsummer; the car-windows were half open; whiffs of warm wind blew in upon me scented with bay-leaves and sage.

Fill the potato with the mixture and let bake in a moderate oven until tender and serve hot. Fish a la Marseilles. Cut two kinds of fish into slices; season with salt. Mince 2 cloves of garlic, 2 sprigs of parsley, 2 sprigs of thyme and 2 bay-leaves very fine. Add a pinch of pepper. Roll the fish in the spice.

PICKLED SALMON. After scaling and cleaning, split the salmon, and divide it into convenient pieces. Lay it in the kettle to fill the bottom, and as much water as will cover it. To three quarts add a pint of vinegar, a handful of salt, twelve bay-leaves, six blades of mace, and a quarter of an ounce of black pepper.

Nor is the Muse a stranger to their lives, but everywhere are stirring to and fro dances of maidens and shrill noise of pipes: and binding golden bay-leaves in their hair they make them merry cheer. Nor pestilence nor wasting eld approach that hallowed race: they toil not neither do they fight, and dwell unharmed of cruel Nemesis.

Put into a deep dish that will hold your shoulder of mutton the following mixture: A cupful each of oil, vinegar, white wine, red wine, an onion stuffed with cloves, a bunch of herbs which must be fresh ones thyme, parsley, marjoram, sage, a tiny bit of mint, a few bay-leaves two medium carrots cut in slices.

Now it was all fragrant with flowers and herbs; a pair of tall lilies leaned their delicate heads towards the altar, as if to listen for the soundless Coming in the Name of the Lord; underfoot all about the altar lay sprigs of sweet herbs, rosemary, thyme, lavender, bay-leaves; with white blossoms scattered over them a soft carpet for the Pierced Feet; not like those rustling palm-swords over which He rode to death last week.

These must be put in Salt and Water, to be shifted every day till they change to a yellow colour: wipe them dry, and prepare Pickle of Vinegar, a piece of Allum as big as a Wallnut to a gallon, or in proportion, Ginger diced, Mace, whole Pepper, a few Bay-leaves, and some Dill-Seed, which will do better than the Herb it self.

Rub with salt and black pepper and paprica; pour over some boiling vinegar; add 2 bay-leaves, a few peppercorns and cloves. Let stand over night. Heat 2 tablespoonfuls of dripping in a saucepan; lay in the meat with 2 sliced onions. Let stew slowly with one cup of water and 1/2 cup of the spiced vinegar until tender. Thicken the sauce with flour and serve hot with potato pancakes. Scotch Soup.

The judges would retire, something like a jury at a court of justice, on hearing the essays, to give their votes for the lucky winner of the Scholarship, and then Sir John was to crown the successful girl with glory. A chaplet of silver bay-leaves was to encircle her brow, and the locket and chain were to be put round her neck.

This dish is very excellent with mutton instead of kid; the meat tastes like venison if this recipe is followed: Put the meat, say a shoulder of mutton, to soak in a bottle of red wine, with a sliced carrot, thyme, bay-leaves , six cloves, fifteen peppercorns and a teaspoonful of vinegar, for two hours.