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Bowers, the mothers of the two men whose bodies are beside him, then to his own mother and his wife, then to his friends, Sir James M. Barrie and Vice-Admiral Egerton, then the statement to the public with its closing words, "I do not regret this journey, which has shown that Englishmen can endure hardships, help one another and meet death with as great fortitude as ever in the past.

"Some day I think you must visit Priorsford and get to know Miss Bathgate. Yours, "I forgot to tell you that for some dark reason the Jardines call their cat Sir J.M. Barrie. "I asked why, but got no satisfaction. "'Well, you see, there's Peter, Mhor said vaguely.

"It doesn't so much matter what you understand as what you do. Dear little Miss MacDonald, will you try and be very, very kind to me, for everybody's sake?" "Of course," said I. "But you must call me Barrie." "Thank you! That's one step. Will you call me Basil?" "If you like," I answered. "Basil and Barrie! Don't they sound nice together?"

The two South Sea books occupied much of his time, but it was of his own land and people so far away that he had so little hope of ever seeing again, he loved best to write. "It is a singular thing," he wrote to James Barrie, "that I should live here in the South Seas, and yet my imagination so continually inhabit the cold old huddle of grey hills from which we came."

"Your grandmother thinks that you have now been sufficiently punished," she announced, "and you are to come down as usual to prayers." "Oh, am I?" echoed Barrie. "We'll see about that. As for punishment, if it pleases Grandma to think she's punished me, she may. I don't care. She couldn't have made me come out of my room to-day if she tried. But I don't bear you any grudge, Heppie.

Of the older playwrights, Barrie produced a new one and an ancient one, but the Shakespeare boom, so strong last year, petered out. There seems no doubt that the man, in spite of a flashy start, had not the stuff. I understand that some of his things are doing fairly well on the road.

Very glad to see you both again and to be here," Somerled answered. "Miss MacDonald," announced Aline, thin-lipped. "So you have a name?" said Basil to Barrie. "Was it given to you in dreamland or the spirit-world?" Then she knew at once that he was not a foe, but a friend. "Fairyland," she replied, beaming on him. "I was in fairyland to-day. If I hadn't been there, I shouldn't be here."

Too bad! But first come, first served! You've all been so good to this girl, one hardly knows how to choose between you. But I thought Mrs. James was going home at once? I understood from Barrie that she said so last night?" "She has decided to stay until the little surprise I'm trying to arrange for her, comes off or on.

On his seventieth birthday, March 20, 1898, Ibsen received the felicitations of the world. It is pleasing to relate that a group of admirers in England, a group which included Mr. Asquith, Mr. J. M. Barrie, Mr. Thomas Hardy, Mr. Henry Arthur Jones, Mr. Pinero and Mr.

Across to her ears, borne on the air heavy with rain still unshed, came the rollicking, ragging jangle of the piano at the Sick Coyote. "Aren't there people to write about there?" she said. "Tragedies and comedies and the human drama? Barrie found it in a duller place." "Not until he had seen the world first," he retorted quickly. "And I'm not a Barrie.... I can't stay here, Miss Camilla."