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So on another occasion when Baretti, who had read a little Ariosto with him some years before, proposed to give him some more lessons, but feared he might have forgotten their previous readings, "Who forgets, sir?" said Johnson, and immediately repeated three or four stanzas of the Orlando.

"I have done writing," said he, "myself, and should assist those that do write." Johnson's Works , xi. 202. See ante, ii. 195. In The Rehearsal. See ante, ii. 168. Johnson wrote on Nov. 21, 1778: 'Baretti has told his musical scheme to B and B will neither grant the question nor deny.

TO-DAY is the first day of school. These three months of vacation in the country have passed like a dream. This morning my mother conducted me to the Baretti schoolhouse to have me enter for the third elementary course: I was thinking of the country and went unwillingly.

JOHNSON. 'Ay, Sir, here you have a specimen of human sympathy; a friend hanged, and a cucumber pickled. We know not whether Baretti or the pickle-man has kept Davies from sleep; nor does he know himself. And as to his not sleeping, Sir; Tom Davies is a very great man; Tom has been upon the stage, and knows how to do those things.

Thrale's house still more extraordinary; meaning his wife. She gulped the pill very prettily so much for Baretti. See post, Dec. 21, 1776. Likely enough Boswell himself. On three other occasions he mentions Otaheité; ante, May 7, 1773, post, June 15, 1784 and in his Hebrides, Sept. 23, 1773. He was fond of praising savage life. See ante, ii. 73.

Baretti, in a marginal note on Footeana, says: 'One half of it had been a string of obscenities. See post, April 24, 1779, note. See ante, i. 447. To pit is not in Johnson's Dictionary. Very likely Mr. Langton. See ante, ii. 254. Two months earlier Johnson had complained that Langton's table was rather coarse. Ante, p. 128. See post, April 13, 1781, where he again mentions this advice.

Malone, in 1789, speaks of 'the roughness for which Baretti was formerly distinguished. Prior's Malone, p. 391. Mrs. Thrale thus describes his departure: 'My daughter kept on telling me that Mr. Baretti was grown very old and very cross, would not look at her exercises, but said he would leave this house soon, for it was no better than Pandæmonium. Baretti, in the Eur.

"Surely, Madam, before a third person " began Miss Burney, but was interrupted: "I have learnt to know a witness is very valuable on occasion. All I require is a plain 'Yes' or 'No." "Then 'No' a thousand times 'No," cried Miss Burney with immense spirit. "I know nothing of Baretti would know nothing a violent unprincipled man, that frightened myself. That I disapproved your marriage is known "

It is with pleasure I add that this stanza could never be more truly applied than at this present time. BOSWELL. This note was added to the second edition. See ante, i. 115, note 1. See ante, i. 82. Baretti, in a MS. note on Piozzi Letters, i. 121, says: 'Johnson was a real true-born Englishman.

Piozzi in the European Mag. for 1788, xiii. 313, 393, and xiv. 89. He suspected her, and perhaps with reason, of altering some of these letters. Other writers beside Baretti attacked her.