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Updated: August 17, 2024

A college periodical, conducted by friends of mine, still undergraduates, tempted me into print, and there is no form of lead-poisoning which more rapidly and thoroughly pervades the blood and bones and marrow than that which reaches the young author through mental contact with type-metal. Qui a bu, boira, he who has once been a drinker will drink again, says the French proverb.

"Bu bu but, I am la la lame." Doña Victorina was becoming bad-humored. The streets were not paved, and the train of her gown was covered with dust. Besides, they met many young women, who, on passing her, cast down their eyes and did not admire her lavish dress as they should have done.

At length one day they were traversing a wide open plain without either hillocks or bushes, when they saw some objects moving towards them. On they came rapidly, and were soon discovered to be a party of men on the backs of camels. "The camels are of the Bu Saif breed," cried Selim; "we cannot escape them." "Let us stand still and not make the attempt," said Stephen.

He dismounted by the tree to adjust his saddle, tighten a stirrup thong, and say a brief prayer. Then, indifferent to the heat, he hurried on, and Salam, who had held short converse with him, announced that he was an emissary of Bu Hamara the Pretender, speeding southward to preach the rising to the Atlas tribes.

"On the 25th of October arrived here the ship 'Endraght, of Amsterdam; first supercargo Gilles Miebas Van Luck; Captain Dirk Hartog, of Amsterdam. She set sail again on the 27th of the same month. Bantum was second supercargo; Janstins first pilot. "Peter Ecoores Van Bu, in the year 1616."

"Just tie him up here," said the other; and so he made fast the cub round the neck with the string of the napkin in which the luncheon-box was wrapped, and gave half a bu to the three boys, who ran away delighted. The man's friend, upon this, said to him: "Well, certainly you have got queer tastes. What on earth are you going to keep the fox for?"

James Sackett his real name is Jim Bag, but teacher calls him James Sackett has his face set toward: "A farmer sold 16 2-3 bu. wheat for 66 7-8 c. per bu.; 19 2-9 bu. oats for," etc., etc., but his soul is far away in Cummins's woods, where there is a robbers' cave that he, and Chuck Higgins, and Bunt Rogers, and Turkey-egg McLaughlin are going to dig Saturday afternoons when the chores are done.

And reasoning thus he led the way over the bridge, and kept straight on when he had crossed it, much to the dismay of Sergeant Flanagan, who, perceiving the lieutenant's condition, conceived that he was missing his way. This the sergeant ventured to point out, reminding his officer that they had come by the road along the river. "So we did," said Butler shortly. "Bu' we go back by way of Tavora."

Where water is not to be had, this ceremony, called tayammum is performed by using sand instead. Lukman is supposed to be the Greek slave Æsop, the author of the Fables. Bu 'Ali Sina is the famous Arab physician and philosopher, by mediæval writers erroneously called Avicenna. Khizr or Khwaja Khizr is the name of a saint or prophet, of great notoriety among the Muhammadans.

I am strongly tempted to accept your offer, bu there are still stronger reasons why I should decline it." "May I ask your reasons?" "My reasons for not accepting the appointment?" "Yes, the reasons which impel you to prefer a dinner of bitter herbs, under Mr. Alspaugh's usually soiled thumb, to a stalled ox and my profitable society," said the Surgeon, gayly.

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