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Why art thou sad, simple-minded one! By being sorrowful thou'lt get nothing; He who provides for the fool, for the wise, and for the whole world, Will likewise provide for thee. "It is true, that when no resource remains, then God is remembered, or else every one in his own plans, thinks himself a Lukman, and a Bu' Ali Sina. Now listen to the surprising ways of God.

Lukman replied, "You yourself are constantly sowing in the field of the world the seeds of evil, and yet expect to reap in the resurrection day the fruits of virtue. Therefore I thought, also, I might get barley by sowing oats." The master was abashed at the reply and set Lukman free. Like produces like in vegetation, and like produces like in labor.

Plant wheat and you reap wheat, plant an acorn and there comes up an oak, plant a little elm and in time you have a big elm. One day, the master of Lukman, an Eastern fabulist, said to him, "Go into such a field, and sow barley." Lukman sowed oats instead.

Where water is not to be had, this ceremony, called tayammum is performed by using sand instead. Lukman is supposed to be the Greek slave Æsop, the author of the Fables. Bu 'Ali Sina is the famous Arab physician and philosopher, by mediæval writers erroneously called Avicenna. Khizr or Khwaja Khizr is the name of a saint or prophet, of great notoriety among the Muhammadans.