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That the body, during sleep, acts as a storage battery for vital energy is proved by the fact that in deep, sound sleep the aura disappears entirely from around the body. The aura is to the organism what the exhaust steam is to the engine. It is formed by the electromagnetic fluids which have performed their work in the body and then escape from it, giving the appearance of a many-colored halo.

An aura that Mel Hastings recognized. "James Connemorra!" Mel exclaimed. The man bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement. "Yes, Mr. Hastings," he said. Mel was dismayed. "How do you know who I am?" he said. James Connemorra looked through the port beside Mel and at the stars beyond. "I have been looking for you long enough I ought to know who you are." Something in the man's voice chilled Mel.

The door was perfectly hung, for the crack seemed to be of uniform size. The Very Young Man showed it to Aura. "There's the way out," he whispered. "Through there and then large again on the other side." He made his calculation of size carefully, and then, crushing one of the pills into powder, divided a portion of it between himself and the girl.

The delights of the love of evil are different from those of the love of good; and delights exhale from every one, as odors do from every vegetable in the world; for they are not absorbed and concealed by the material body as heretofore, but flow freely from their loves into the spiritual aura; and as evil is there made sensible as in its odor, it is in this which accuses, fixes blame, and judges, not before any judge, but before every one who is principled in good; and this is what is meant by imputation.

Man must master the earth by controlling the laws of the material world. This is the foundation of all things, and upon it shall be built all that the soul must have for its unfoldment, within the aura and the radius of this external plane.

The Chemist and Big Business Man were beside her now, and together they carried the Very Young Man back. He had recovered consciousness, and smiled up at them feebly. They laid him on the ground against the wall, and Aura sat beside him. "Gosh, I'm all right," he said, waving them away. "Be with you in a minute; give 'em hell!"

Those of my readers who knew him on earth will well remember the peculiar fascination of his sphere, but they can form from the remembrance but a slight idea of the attractive aura he sheds forth in this existence. I immediately felt myself drawn by an invisible power toward him.

It was a War Office telegram announcing that Carlos had been killed. "It came ten minutes before you," she said. "Why didn't you tell me at once?" he murmured, frightfully shocked. He was actually reproaching her! She stood up again. She lived; her breast rose and fell. Her gown had the same voluptuousness. Her temperament was still emanating the same aura.

I don't believe in all these fads, and yet I don't like saying that I don't believe in them." He seemed unsatisfied, and said: "So you wouldn't give me your word that you DON'T hold with astral bodies and all the rest of it?" "I could," said Margaret, surprised that the point was of any importance to him. "Indeed, I will. When I talked about scrubbing my aura, I was only trying to be funny.

Those who knew Anne best felt, without realizing that they felt it, that her greatest attraction was the aura of possibility surrounding her. . . the power of future development that was in her. She seemed to walk in an atmosphere of things about to happen. As they picked, Charlotta the Fourth confided to Anne her fears regarding Miss Lavendar.