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Ashby's voice quick, sharp and decisive was that of a man accustomed to ordering men, but his manner was suave, if a trifle gruff. Moreover, he was a man of whom it could be said, paradoxical as it may seem, that he was never known to be drunk nor ever known to be sober. It was plain from his appearance that he had been some time on the road. Rance rose and politely extended his hand.

True, the demands of his profession were such as to prevent his staying long in any camp. Nevertheless, it seemed to Rance that he contrived frequently to turn up at The Polka when the boys were at the diggings. After Ashby's observation the conversation by mutual, if unspoken, consent, was switched into other channels.

I was appointed assistant inspector-general of the cavalry and horse artillery of the army of Northern Virginia. Tremendous title! That evening I went by railway to Petersburg, to visit Colonel P , and receive his instructions. Returning the same night, the next day set out on horseback for the Valley of the Shenandoah, by way of Orange, Gaines's Cross Roads, and Ashby's Gap.

"You let Duff and myself and the rest of us here handle these young hounds as they deserve to be treated. You, Rafe and Jeff, get out of this. You've no business here. You belong to the enemies of business interests in Paloma. The rest of us will settle with these business destroyers." Ashby's eyes glowed with the unbridled fury of the lunatic. Yet Rafe Bodson did not waver.

He's patrolling between here and the pike." "You're lying. You said he was with Ashby, and Ashby's away north to Newtown the damned West P'inter that marches at the head of the brigade said so! You haven't got the truth in you, and that's a pity, for otherwise I like your looks first-rate." He rose. "I'm going foraging for that mountain dew "

George Ashby's sawed-off shotgun looked squarely at the region bounded by Jeff Moore's belt. "It's your turn, gentlemen," agreed Rafe, he put his hands in the air. "You've got us be decent," grinned Jeff, as he, too, raised his hands upward. "Get your hands up higher!" ordered Jim Duff in his deadliest tone. These men were now helpless, and the gambler merely chuckled inwardly at the thought.

Men leaped to their feet, left their washing, left the turtle simmering in the pot, the gay cards upon the greensward, put up the Greek Testament, the home letters, snatched belt and carbine, caught the horses, saddled them with speed, swung themselves up, and trotted into line, eyes front Ashby's men. The pickets had their tale to tell.

The roads running toward the Blue Ridge are nearly all macadamized, and the principal ones lead to the railroad system of eastern Virginia through Snicker's, Ashby's Manassas, Chester, Thornton's Swift Run, Brown's and Rock-fish gaps, tending to an ultimate centre at Richmond.

We went the Birch Ridge road, because he wanted to see somebody over that way, and when we was going home by the straight road, Jonas laughed and said we hadn't seen anything of John Ashby's moving, and he guessed he'd got stuck somewhere. He was glad he hadn't nothing to do with it.

When that occurred, the passes in our rear were to be abandoned, and the army massed ready for action or movement in any direction. It was my intention, if, upon reaching Ashby's or any other pass, the enemy were in force between it and the Potomac, in the Valley of the Shenandoah, to move into the Valley and endeavor to gain their rear."