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But there ain't any use in advertisin' it, neither. Kenelm, he's promised to keep still." "But, Imogene, why? Seems to me if I was willin' to be engaged to that to Kenelm, I wouldn't be ashamed to have folks know it." "Oh, I ain't ashamed exactly. I ain't ashamed of what I done, not a bit. Only what's the use of tellin'?" "But you'll have to tell some time; when you're married, sartin." "Yes'm.

Whilst our guide hastened to light the lamp hanging above the table, we laid our kits on the window-sill: our revolvers, shakoes, binocular glasses and map-cases; and how tarnished and dirty the things were, after those three months of war! We ourselves felt fairly ashamed to be seen in such a state.

She is of good French republican stock, and she is a thorough republican herself." Weber smiled a little. "Your faith in Mademoiselle Lannes is great," he said, "and I can see that it proceeds, in part at least, from a just and pure emotion." John reddened. He saw that he had laid bare his soul, but he was not ashamed. Once more he strengthened his heart and now he resolved upon a plan.

Paine has never had any of her own people come to visit her, she is ashamed for them to see how badly off she is. No, it is not much of a home, but she clings to it. It is strange how women and animals cling to their homes. You remember the old home on the road to Hampton your people had, Mr. Gilchrist, the fine old house with the white veranda and the big red barn?

Few months here pass without some of them being so shot, and, instead of their murderers feeling ashamed, they boast of how they despatch them. Such treatment keeps the Natives always burning under a desire for revenge, so that it is a wonder any white man is allowed to come among them.

The stranger then jeered at the men of Ulster because their great champion durst not keep his agreement, nor face the blow he should receive in return for the one he gave. The men of Ulster were utterly ashamed, but Conall Cearnach, who was present that night, made a new agreement with the stranger.

And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens.

Then she closed the door, but still stood near it, as though she feared to move, or speak, looking at him with her appealing eyes. "Oliver!" He held out his hands. "My poor, poor darling!" She gave a little cry, as though some tension broke. Her lips almost smiled; but she held him away from her. "You're not not ashamed of me?"

I suspected, I am ashamed to say, that she, this queen of 'The Thousand and One Nights, deceived me with my serf, under my very eyes, and laughing at me. She did the same thing. If I have reasons to be jealous, she who knew my past had a thousand times more.

What good does it do me if I see or I don't see when his mother gets her mind made up?" "But does Nicky so much as look at her? That night at Leo's birthday I was ashamed the way he right away had an engagement after supper, when she sat next to him and all through the meal gave him the white meat off her own plate.