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PELAGÉYA EGÓROVNA embraces the children. GÚSLIN. Uncle, may I speak now? GORDÉY KÁRPYCH. You may, you may! Ask for whatever you want, every one of you! Now I have become another man. GÚSLIN. Well, Annushka, it's our turn now! ANNA IVÁNOVNA. Well, now, we'll have a dance; only hold your hat on! PELAGÉYA EGÓROVNA. Yes, let's dance, let's dance! For a friend I give up everything!

LYUBÓV GORDÉYEVNA and ANNA IVÁNOVNA enter through the lighted door. ANNA IVÁNOVNA. Why don't they come, our fine lads? Shall we go and fetch them? LYUBÓV GORDÉYEVNA. No, you'd better not. ANNA IVÁNOVNA. Well, evidently you aren't happy without him! LYUBÓV GORDÉYEVNA. Oh, Annushka, if you only knew how I love him! ANNA IVÁNOVNA. Love him, then, my dear, but don't lose your wits.

Tell them to send the big samovar to the maids' room the very biggest; and find Annushka and send her to me. ARÍNA. Certainly, certainly. PELAGÉYA EGÓROVNA. Yes, go along! Go along! Nothing but sorrow and here comes more trouble! Yes, yes, I'm worried to death! Oh, oh, oh! I'm tired out, absolutely tired out! I've a lot to do, and my head's just spinning.

She's a smart girl, there's no denying; a good girl; and as for the old man, she's simply the apple of his eye; she's a good girl. And, do you know, you wouldn't believe it, but do you know, he's managed to teach Annushka to read?

'Well, have you picked any mushrooms? he asked. 'Yes, she answered with a shy smile. 'Did you find many? 'Are they white ones? 'Yes. Well done, Annushka! 'She's your daughter, Kassyan, isn't she? I asked. 'No, well, a relative, replied Kassyan with affected indifference. 'Come, Annushka, run along, he added at once, 'run along, and God be with you! And take care.

She had certainly not expected to meet us; she had, as they say, 'stumbled upon' us, and she stood motionless in a shady recess among the thick foliage of the nut-trees, looking dismayed at me with her black eyes. I had scarcely time to catch a glimpse of her; she dived behind a tree. 'Annushka! Annushka! come here, don't be afraid! cried the old man caressingly.

'Let's better drink some cognac, Jennechka," she addressed herself, "'and let's suck the lemon a little! ... Brr ... what nasty stuff! ... And where does Annushka always get such abominable stuff? If you smear a dog's wool with it, it will fall off ... And always, the low-down thing, she'll take an extra half.

"Sh . . . Sh! . . . Hush!" cried Stinging Beetle; when all were silent she screwed up one eye and said: "Do you know what, Annushka, my birdie . . . ? There is no need for you to get married really like every one else. You're rich and free, you are your own mistress; but yet, my child, it doesn't seem the right thing for you to be an old maid.

Annushka was not in the hut: she had had time to get there before us, and to leave her basket of mushrooms.

You see we have lived in the same house maybe I shall die before I see her again! PELAGÉYA EGÓROVNA. Yes, you must, you must. Say good-by to her, of course! Annushka, go and fetch Lyubóv. PELAGÉYA EGÓROVNA and MÍTYA PELAGÉYA EGÓROVNA. Oh, Mítya, my dear! What trouble we are in! How can we drive it away get rid of it I cannot think. It's as if a thunderbolt had struck me! I can't recover myself.