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"Un Monsieur tres distingue," Madame Lamotte found him; and presently, "Tres amical, tres gentil," watching his eyes upon her daughter. She was one of those generously built, fine-faced, dark-haired Frenchwomen, whose every action and tone of voice inspire perfect confidence in the thoroughness of their domestic tastes, their knowledge of cooking, and the careful increase of their bank balances.

"Un Monsieur tres distingue," Madame Lamotte found him; and presently, "Tres amical, tres gentil," watching his eyes upon her daughter. She was one of those generously built, fine-faced, dark-haired Frenchwomen, whose every action and tone of voice inspire perfect confidence in the thoroughness of their domestic tastes, their knowledge of cooking, and the careful increase of their bank balances.

The pleasing tales told of this pretty animal's amical disposition towards man are strictly true, I hear; and it is no longer ago than yesterday I was told an odd anecdote of a young farmer, who, carrying a basket of figs to his mistress, lay down in the field as he crossed it, quite overcome with the weather, and fell fast asleep.

"Still," Doctor Kimball hesitated, as though considering the phrasing of a delicate question; but Father François, making a little amical sign of adieu, passed out of the garden, and for a moment his blank face was illumined by one of those rare smiles, such as one sees on the faces of holy men; smiles that seem in perfect faith to look upon the mysteries of the world to come.

"To be sure, sir, and a very proper attitude. I plunge, then, into the middle of affairs. You will doubtless remember Silvanus Tellworthy, younger brother of the late Sir Jabez Tellworthy whose virtues recently ceased to adorn this neighbourhood." "Perfectly." "His conscience led him to exchange this country, in the thirty-fifth year of his age, for a soil more amical to his religious opinions."

J'ose compter partant sur votre interet amical, et vous connoissez les sentimens sinceres d'attachement et de respect avec lesquels je suis a jamais Tout a vous, SENFFT. Oxford Commotions of 1842-3 Mr. Newman's Retractation Correspondence of Mr. Newman and J. R. Hope on the Subject Mr. Hope pleads for Mr. Macmullen Dr. Pusey suspended for his Sermon on the Holy Eucharist Seeks Advice from Mr.

Women are not much good at that sort of thing in Africa. What official business could she be on? The same as his own? That seemed still more unlikely; but if so, why should they not work together? Germany and England had an equal stake in the opening of this new route. An amical Boundary Commission had just completed a satisfactory survey between the German and British East African Protectorates.

J'ai eu aujourd'hui un long entretien sur un ton amical avec l'Ambassadeur d'Autriche-Hongrie. Après avoir examiné avec lui les 10 demandes adressées

He shook his head, hesitating, not to tell her a lie, but to insult and humiliate her. "Well," he went on, "since you force me to do it, I will confess, at whatever cost, that I have had a mistress for several years I add that our relations are now purely amical " "Very well," she interrupted, "your family reasons are sufficient."