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These are the Heinrichssohle, in the Stockwerk at Altenberg, where the mean of two years' observations gives the temperature·54 F. lower at a depth of 400 feet than at the surface; the adit of Henneberg, on the Ingelbach, near Johanngeorgenstadt, where the temperature was again·54 F. lower than in shafts some hundred feet higher; and the Weiss Adler adit, on the left declivity of the valley of the Schwarzwasser, above the Antonshütte.

Count Altenberg had not, as they fancied, fallen desperately in love at first sight with Caroline he had only been pleased and interested sufficiently to make him desirous to see more of her.

At parting, Lord Oldborough smiled, and said, "You have been, since I saw you last, Count Altenberg, too much in the company of a philosopher, who prefers the happiness of a country gentleman's life to the glory of a statesman's career. But height will soon recall high thoughts. Ambition is not dead, only dormant within you.

"May I ask," said Count Altenberg, taking advantage of the first pause in the conversation "may I ask if I understood rightly, that Mrs. Hungerford, mother of Colonel Hungerford, lives in this neighbourhood, and is coming into the country to-morrow?" "Yes just so," said Lady Frances.

Of her high intellectual endowments he could not doubt; but temper is not always a blessing given to the fair, or even to the wise. It may seem strange that a gallant man should think of a beauty's temper; and, probably, if Count Altenberg had considered Caroline only as a beauty, he would not have troubled himself to make, on this point, any severe and dangerous scrutiny.

'Your father will come out that way, she said, pointing to the tower; 'he will come out with the she-wolf; don't be frightened, he won't see you. And presently my father, bearing his funereal burden, came out with the old woman. My mother took me in her arms and followed; she showed me the dismal scene on the Altenberg of which you know.

Rosamond, whose quick eye followed her sister's, instantly caught a glimpse of a gentleman coming up the path from the glen. Rosamond started from her seat, and clasping her hands, exclaimed, "It is! It is he! It is Count Altenberg!" They had not recovered from their astonishment when Count Altenberg stood before them. To Mr. Percy, to Mrs.

The essential care, either of papers or estate, the commissioner had evermore neglected, while he had all his life been castle-building, or pursuing some phantom of fortune at court. Whilst Alfred was comparing the papers and the list, the commissioner went on talking of the marriage of Caroline with Count Altenberg, asking when they expected them to return.

"I only hope, ma'am, you'll put it in the play-bill or, if you don't, I will Zara, Miss Caroline Percy by particular desire of Count Altenberg." "Whatever I do, you may hope and be assured, Georgiana, shall be properly done," cried Mrs. Falconer, rising with dignity; "and, since you are not disposed to listen to me, I shall leave you to your own inventions, and go and write my notes."

Count Altenberg, from the moment he was introduced to Lady Florence, devoted to her his whole attention he sat beside her whenever he conversed, his conversation was addressed to her; and the evident absence of mind he occasionally betrayed, and all the change in his manner, seemed to have been caused by her ladyship's appearance.