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"If I had gone to New York " and there she stopped, as if she had accidentally said what she did not intend. "If you had gone to New York! Why! When?" cried Barbara. "What do you mean?" "Nothing," Rosamond answered, in a vexed way. "Mrs. Van Alstyne asked me, that is all. Of course I couldn't." "Of course you're just a glorious old noblesse oblige-d! Why didn't you say something?

And when Nancy spoke in the Van Alstyne Fisher tones she felt the thrill of noblesse oblige to her very bones. There was another source of learning in the great departmental school.

Pierce glanced at the telegram and handed it back. "Lot's of starving M. D.'s would jump at the chance," he said, "but if it's as urgent as all this we can't wait to hunt. I'll tell you, Van Alstyne, there's a chap down in the village he was the character man with the Sweet Peas Company and he's stranded there. I saw him this morning. He's washing dishes in the depot restaurant for his meals.

Van Alstyne dropped into a chair, and through force of habit I gave him a glass of spring water. "This was a pretty girl, too," he said dismally. I sat down on the other side of the fireplace, and it seemed to me that father's crayon enlargement over the mantel shook its head at me. After a minute Mr. Van Alstyne drank the water and got up. "I'll have to tell my wife," he said.

"Well, now, Polly, your dragons, although not exactly like any living ones extant, made me think of some I saw at the Zoo, in London. Do you want me to tell you how?" "Oh! if you please," cried Polly, her color coming back, and beginning to forget the dance and the dancers. "Let us sit down here, then," said Mr. Alstyne, drawing her off to two chairs in a corner, "and you shall have the tale.

Ruth never dreamed of being satirical; it was a perfectly straightforward explanation; and it showed, she truly believed, two quite kind and considerate points in Aunt Roderick's character. After the party came back from the Isles of Shoals, Mrs. Van Alstyne went down to Newport.

Everybody brought their troubles to me, and I guess I thought I was a little tin god on wheels and the place couldn't get along without me. But it did; it does. We all think we'll leave a big hole behind us when we go, but it's just like taking your thumb out of a bowl of soup. There isn't even a dent. Mr. Van Alstyne came out on the run, and when he saw Mr.

It was a good big scow, big enough, indeed, to carry two teams at once if due care was taken in getting on and off over the swinging platform. It was steered by a great oar in the competent hands of Myndert Van Alstyne who navigated the craft, while his brother Wynant collected the fares and kept the machinery in motion with the aid of a hickory gad.