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"They're right outside." "Who?" asked the Lab Coat Man. "All of them. Justin, Julia, Tom, Alona, Ritchie, Betty..." "Outside?" "Nearing the front doors as we speak." Denny muttered a curse, stood up, tossed his cigarette to the floor, and crushed it under his foot. "Get Kurt," he said to the Lab Coat Man, "Neoldner, anybody.

"Alona" was written, almost scribbled, on the cover. In Kurt's handwriting. She hadn't seen him in weeks, not since he began playing regularly in the band. She couldn't help picturing him the last time he was in her car, brushing back his long hair and scratching his hand in that nervous way of his. "You're breaking up with me?" he asked, staring vaguely at the floor-mat. She had nodded.

They wanted Alona to work in the town's newly renovated theater, an investment in which they owned a small percentage. Alona's sobs lasted for some time, and she knew, just knew, that her water-proof mascara had run, so she opened the glove compartment to find a Kleenex. Out fell a letter. Her sobbing stopped as she picked it up from the dusty car floor.

It's huge, and the Manager never lets me go down there!" Alona smiled and said: "I knew you'd figure it out!" Ritchie felt like reclining his chair all the way back and calling it a night, but his wife reached over and patted his hand, which was all the support he needed, all that he would ever need, to get up in spite of himself and do what had to be done.

No one, in truth, and we've found a way out and want to take the town with us. You ought to be thanking us for our generosity, really." "No wonder you recruited Sigger," Alona said. "You are such an ass... although I respect your right to religious difference." "I'll have you know !" began the Lab Coat Man, his hand moving to cover his forehead.

Tom and Alona exchanged confused looks. Kurt scratched an itch that had appeared on his hand. "Why this conspiracy?" "To take this town to a better place," he said, attempting to remain calm. "Why not just go there, then?" "We, uh, as I said, we wanted to take the town with us."

Wiping her face with her sleeve and pretending to look as bored as everyone else, Alona hoped that even if her roommate were around, she would be fooled long enough to prevent her from starting any more rumors.

Tom asked. "Doing what?" "Concessions." "My job?!" "Be glad you were out of it," Alona said. "Yeah, but I wasn't even told I was fired!" "So who is this guy?" Ritchie repeated. "I don't know. No name tag," Justin replied. "He's moving!" Betty shouted. All turned toward the man who lay in the alley. Somehow, he was still alive, gasping for breath. When his gaze caught Alona's, she recognized him.

Police are still searching for both Prof. Turgy K. Sigger and the student. A scream interrupted the newscaster, which acoustically channeled the shattered death of a priceless chandelier. To Tom's surprise, Alona had leaped from the couch and had grabbed his arms, forcing him to look directly into her eyes. "That's him! He just disappeared when I looked the other way!"

"You've been directing this outfit?" Ritchie asked. "About as well as Ed Wood," Tom scoffed. The Director reddened. "Hold on, let's remember why we're here," Justin began. "Where's Kurt?!" Ritchie shouted. "I'm right here," Kurt said, stepping out of the doors that led to the bigger screen. "Kurt!" Alona said. "Alona!" Kurt said, almost simultaneously. "Butthead!" Julia said.