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The three girls were not seriously frightened; indeed, they were less so than at the time of the French retreat. It was so evident that General Alexis was providing for the safety of the wounded before the danger time. They would find all the roads open to them now, while the Germans were being held on the farther side of the ancient stone walls.

"I know it well, but you, Natalie, do you also know it?" he passionately asked. Natalie smiled. "Alexis," said she, "I love you, and therefore will I raise you to my side as my husband!" and with a charming modest blush she drew the count up to her arms. "You do not deceive me, and this is no dream?" he cried, while glowingly embracing her.

And then, on another occasion, Alexis and I were at a ball in his house I was already married and what magnificent diamond buttons he wore! And I could not restrain myself, but praised them.

The fête was given by one of the foreign ambassadors a gentleman whose wife was accredited to the first place in Petersburg society. It was absolutely necessary, Steinmetz averred, for the whole Howard Alexis party to put in an appearance.

Perhaps it was just, but it disappointed them, and while the father lived, Alexis had been encouraged to look to getting to the University and Holy Orders. He has a good voice, and the young curate at the Kennel patronised him, perhaps a little capriciously, but I am not quite sure.

My memory was stronger than his, but boys, as every one knows, do not appreciate that advantage: they are not proud of it; and in spite of it I always looked up to David. My name, as you know, is Alexis. I was born on the seventh of March, and celebrate my birthday on the seventeenth.

Accoulina met me and told me a sad piece of news. During the night a burning fever had seized the poor girl. Accoulina took me into her chamber. The invalid was delirious and did not recognize me. I was shocked by the change in her countenance. The position of this sorrowing orphan, without defenders, alarmed me as much as my inability to protect grieved me. Alexis, above all, was to be feared.

Marie, Polacca, and I sat in the interior of the kibitka. Saveliitch perched himself up in front. "Adieu, Marie, sweet little dove! Adieu, Peter, our handsome falcon!" exclaimed the kind Accoulina. Passing the Commandant's house, I saw Alexis, whose face expressed determined hate. In two hours we reached the neighboring fortress, which also belonged to Pougatcheff. We there changed horses.

Alexis Ivanovitch, stake TWO golden pieces this time. The moment we cease to stake, that cursed zero will come turning up, and we shall get nothing." "My good Madame " "Stake, stake! It is not YOUR money." Accordingly I staked two ten-gulden pieces. The ball went hopping round the wheel until it began to settle through the notches.

I have got a packet of capital surgical needles, and some silk. I will put them in with the others; they won't take up much room. Well, shall we start to-morrow night?" "I think we had better wait for two or three days," Godfrey said. "We must save up some of our food." "Yes, we shall want some bread," Alexis agreed.