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"Whaur did the bit dog go, man?" demanded the peremptory landlord. "Dog? There's no' ony dog i' the kirkyaird. It isna permeetted. Gin it's a pussy ye're needin', noo " But Mr. Traill brushed this irrelevant pleasantry aside. "Ay, there's a dog. I let him in my ainsel'." The caretaker exploded with wrath: "Syne I'll hae the law on ye. Can ye no' read, man?" "Tut, tut, Jeemes Brown.

Nae boot here's the place, Maister Traill; an' ye can see for yer ainsel' there's no' any dog." "Ay, that would be Auld Jock and Bobby would no' be leaving him," insisted the landlord, stubbornly. He stood looking down at the rough mound of frozen clods heaped in a little space of trampled snow. "Jeemes Brown," Mr.

It's juist for puir toon bodies that are aye ailin' an' deein'." Fright and resentment lent the silent old man an astonishing eloquence for the moment. "Ye wadna gang to the infairmary yer ainsel', an' tak' charity." "Would I no'? I would go if I so much as cut my sma' finger; and I would let a student laddie bind it up for me." "Weel, ye're a saft ane," said Auld Jock.

Catching the animated little bundle of protest the sergeant set him up for inspection on the shattered breeching of Mons Meg. "Losh! The sma' dog cam' by 'is ainsel'! He could no' resist the braw soldier laddies. 'He's a dog o' discreemination, eh? Gin he bides a wee, noo, it wull tak' the conceit oot o' the innkeeper." He turned to gather up his tools, for the first dinner bugle was blowing.

Brown: "Her leddyship made me feel I'd done naething by the ordinar', but maistly to please my ainsel'. Eh, man, she made me sing sma'." When the collie had finished drinking, he looked up gratefully, rubbed against the good Samaritans, waved his plumed tail like a banner, and trotted away. After a thoughtful moment Lady Burdett-Coutts said: "The suitable memorial here, Mr.

"Oigh," he said, "ta preacher is a goot feller after all, she will tance with her hern ainsel;" and fiddling his way up to him again, he danced a jig with Jehu, to the infinite amusement of us all. The familiarity which Mr Judd exhibited with the steps and the dance, convinced me that he must have often indulged in it before he became a Christian.