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When James Soutar was in good fettle, he could trace the whole history of Scottish secession from the beginning, winding his way through the maze of Original Seceders and Cameronians, Burghers and Anti-Burghers there were days when he would include the Glassites, with unfaltering step; but this was considered a feat even in Drumtochty, and it was admitted that Jamie had "a gift o' discreemination."

"Why wull ye no' sell the bit dog?" the man insisted. The badgered landlord turned upon him and answered at length, after the elaborate manner of a minister who lays his sermon off in sections, "First: he's no' my dog to sell. Second: he's a dog of rare discreemination, and is no' like to tak' you for a master. Third: you soldiers aye have with you a special brand of shulling-a-day impudence.

Catching the animated little bundle of protest the sergeant set him up for inspection on the shattered breeching of Mons Meg. "Losh! The sma' dog cam' by 'is ainsel'! He could no' resist the braw soldier laddies. 'He's a dog o' discreemination, eh? Gin he bides a wee, noo, it wull tak' the conceit oot o' the innkeeper." He turned to gather up his tools, for the first dinner bugle was blowing.

The mingled tenderness and indignation in Geordie's face were beautiful to see, so I meekly answered, 'Well, I hope Mr. Craig won't be too strict with the boys. Geordie shot a suspicious glance at me, but I kept my face like a summer morn, and he replied cautiously 'Ay, he's no' that streect: but he maun exerceese discreemination.