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"Ah-h-h!" they cry, grinning broadly; "ah, ah, ha! ha-a-a-a!" putting into this utterance a world of amused scorn. The "regulator" of the establishment a solemn man in a tail-coat who walks about the hall preserving order gets angry at this. "Restez tranquilles," he says to the jeerers, with expressive and emphatic forefinger leveled at the group.

"What d'you mean, strange way? airplane or submarine?" I growled. "He brought it," Whipple's words marched out of him like a solemn procession, "in a brown, sole-leather suitcase." "With brass trimmings," Dykeman supplemented, and leaned back in his chair with an audible "Ah-h-h!" of satisfaction. If ever a poor devil was flabbergasted, it was the head of the Boyne agency at that moment.

When it blew he tumbled into his berth, covered himself up in the blankets, peeped out in the most profound amazement, and ejaculated "Ah-h-h! Oh-h-h! Hay-y-y! Ye'ow-w-w!" When the weather was fine he came up on deck, peered over the bulwarks, up at the rigging, down into the engine-room, and was perfectly astounded at each object, exclaiming alternately "Oh-h-o-o-a-a-h!" "Ah-ha!"

Then, after going through the usual foot-exercise, and after a longer pause than usual, he looked up at the expectant visitor standing in front of him, and said, but with evident effort, "Ah-h-h! Le grand Vaash!" There was nothing more forthcoming. Having thus delivered himself, he made his visitor a low bow, and the latter retired.

Ah-h-h! ah-h-h!" The half-breed's voice faded in two long gasps. The Sioux's chanting voice rose and fell through the vaulted cavern like a mighty instrument of music. His audience of crowding Indians gazed in solemn rapt awe upon him. A spell held them fixed.

"Ah-h-h!" says J. Bayard, rubbin' his hands genial, and at the same time watchin' me narrow to see how I'm goin' to take it. "Rather difficult, eh? I confess that I was almost stumped at first. Why, he's worth to-day twice as much as Gordon ever was! So it ought to be something handsome, hadn't it?" "That depends," says I. "Have anything special in mind, did you?" "Oh, yes," says Steele.

And then when the rest had fled in their canoes he came down and steered the ship away from the land and sailed her in safety to a place called Rubiana where white men dwell." "Ah-h-h!" and Letanë's dark eyes opened wide in admiration.

At the door of the drawing room his hands flew upward to the height of his shoulders and doubled into fists. His eyes were fixed in a blank stare and his face was working in a mortal agony. "Ah-h-h!" he gasped. And then: "There!" he cried in a triumphant tone, as with one foot he sent spinning across the room the chair beside which he had halted.

Then he flung out his hands a little, and they flapped loosely at the wrists, like wet clothes hung in the wind to dry, and Billy seemed to crumple up suddenly, and slid down upon the grass in an untidy heap. "Ah-h-h!" said Mr. Flinks. He drew back and stared stupidly at that sprawling flesh which just now had been a man, and was seized with uncontrollable shuddering. "Ah-h-h!" said Mr.

'Did you come alone? asked Gyp, puffing a long whiff of smoke up towards the ceiling. 'Alone with Silvia. 'Ah-h-h! Silvia sometimes leads the best of men astray. But you got here at last, and that is more than many do. And you were but just in time. The King prints his placards to-night. 'What placards? asked Yellow-cap innocently. 'Announcing his "successor" a farce in one act.