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He wished to go out to meet the litter, but Petronius and Chrysothemis detained him. Steps were heard suddenly in the entrance; the slaves rushed into the atrium in a crowd, and, halting quickly at the wall, raised their hands, and began to repeat with groaning, "Aaaa! aa!" Vinicius sprang toward them. "Where is Lygia?" cried he, with a terrible and changed voice. "Aaaa!"

He had time to review his troops, which was his most agreeable occupation, and he could collect his scattered thoughts in some measure. Shut up in the remotest corner of the palace, the prince began to consider how far he had carried out the commands of the pharaoh his father. He had surveyed Aa with his own eyes, its fields, towns, population, officials.

Where banks of sediment have accumulated near to the surface, as in parts of the West Indies, they sometimes become fringed with corals, and hence in some degree resemble lagoon-islands or atolls, in the same manner as fringing-reefs, surrounding gently sloping islands, in some degree resemble barrier-reefs. AA, Outer edges of the fringing-reef, at the level of the sea.

They had broken down the wooden bridge across the River Aa, only one plank being left standing, and had stationed a party to defend it. Maurice held a hasty council of war. All, with the exception of Sir Francis Vere and Sir Marcellus Bacx, were against pursuit, but Maurice took the advice of the minority.

They guided him, accordingly, to a comparatively low dyke, which led between the villages of Zoetermeer and Benthuyzen: A strong force of Spaniards was stationed in each place, but, seized with a panic, instead of sallying to defend the barrier, they fled inwardly towards Leyden, and halted at the village of North Aa. It was natural that they should be amazed.

Hawsomiver, aa niver thowt naw mair aboot it, nor mair did John, so ee needn't taak till we wur jest two mile from 'ere. An' ee's a gon' on sence! My! an' a larroping the poor beeast like onything! Mrs. Thornburgh stood aghast at the calmness of this audacious recital.

Ramses was charmed with the beautiful view, and thanked Otoes warmly for the pleasure which he experienced. But when he returned to the palace, and, according to the advice of the pharaoh, noted impressions, he convinced himself that his knowledge of the economic conditions of Aa had not widened. After some days he asked explanations again of Otoes touching the administration of the province.

For if the army AA which BB was trying to outflank learned of the manoeuvre in time he only has to retreat upon his left by the shorter arrow to escape from the threatened clutch. Now, von Kluck with his five army corps, four of which were in operation against Sir John French, was well able to count on all these elements.

A pointed white face with red cheeks looked up at him, and wide red lips said something, he could not tell what. The voice reminded him of the old beggar down by the bridge who had no roof to his mouth. These creatures had no roofs to their mouths, of course they had no "Aa 00 re o me me oo a oo ho el?" said the voice again.

They guided him, accordingly, to a comparatively low dyke, which led between the villages of Zoetermeer and Benthuyzen: A strong force of Spaniards was stationed in each place, but, seized with a panic, instead of sallying to defend the barrier, they fled inwardly towards Leyden, and halted at the village of North Aa. It was natural that they should be amazed.