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Many of his descendants are in the service of Russia, and are the representatives of one of the most ancient monarchies of the world for the Bagrations first rose to power in 587; and if allowance be made for interregnums it will be found that their reign extended over 1092 years, during the twelve centuries that elapsed from their earliest election.

According to the accounts of the American Treasury the Allies' War debt is 9,587 millions of dollars: 4,277 millions owing from Great Britain, 2,977 millions from France, 1,648 millions from Italy, 349 millions from Belgium, 187 millions from Russia, 61 millions from Czeko-Slovakia, 26 millions from Serbia, 25 millions from Rumania, and 15 millions from Greece.

J.L. van Hasselt, "Eenige aanteekeningen aangaande de bewoners der N. Westkust van Nieuw Guinea," Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-Landen Volkenkunde, xxxi. p. 587. A. Bastian, Die Völker des östlichen Asien, v. W.M. Gabb, "On the Indian Tribes and Languages of Costa Rica," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia, xiv.

Dean Tucker speaks of the evil of the limited area in his Manifold Causes of the Increase of the Poor . Nicholls, ii. 88. Parl. Hist. xxxii. 710. A full abstract is given in Edens History, iii. ccclxiii. etc. Cobbett's Political Works, vi. 64 I need only note here that the first edition of Malthus's Essay appeared in 1798, the year after Eden's publication. Eden's History, i. 583. Ibid. i. 587.

"Positive, sir; it's an old Semmingford machine, number 32,587." "Did you hear him say anything about it?" "I did, sir. He told our Mr. Jeaveson manager he is that this was a machine he'd bought in London, many years ago; that the lettering seemed to be getting worn out, and that he wanted to know if we could supply new letters and do the machine up generally." "Yes; what then?" "Mr.

H. George, Jr, The Menace of Privilege, book VII, chap. I. W. E. Weyl, The New Democracy, chap. IX. Educational Review, vol. 36, p. 121. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 102, p. 441; vol. 105, p. 303; vol. 106, p. 40; vol. 113, p. 289. Forum, vol. 51, p. 565. E. A. Ross, Changing America, chap. VII. North American Review, vol. 190, p. 587.

In 587 Rhadagund died and Bishop Gregory of Tours tells how greatly she was mourned by the whole community, and how some 200 women crowded round her bier, bewailing their loss. One of them, the nun Baudonivia, several years afterwards, cannot, she says, even speak of the death of Rhadagund without being choked with sobs.

Toronto 2,860 86,445 Kingston 3,587 14,093 Hamilton, including township 2,013 35,965 London, including township 2,415 Brantford, laid out in 1830 9,626 Guelph, including township 778 9,890 St.

The export of feathers has increased rapidly, and has become one of the chief exports of the Colony, as whilst in 1868 the quantity exported was valued at £70,000, in 1887 it had reached the value of £365,587. This is by no means the largest amount appearing under the head of exports during recent years, as in 1882 the value of feathers exported was £1,093,989.

Gloucester, on North River, 400 about 3,600 f Nansemond, near Suffolk, one third of 1119 acres, 373 8 2,984 g Great Dismal Swamp, my dividend thereof, about 20,000 h Ohio River, Round Bottom, 587 Little Kenhawa, 2314 Sixteen miles lower down, 2448 Opposite Big Bent, 4395 9744 10 97,440 i Great Kenhawa, Near the mouth, west, 10990 East side, above, 7276 Mouth of Cole River, 2000 Opposite thereto, 2950 Burning Spring, 125 3075 200,000 k