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"I was there at the time, sir," replied Owthwaite. "Did he come quite openly?" "Yes, sir. In a cab, as a matter of fact. The cabman carried in the machine." "Did Alderman Crood say who he was?" "Well, sir, to be exact, he saw me as soon as he came in, and recognized me. He said, 'Oh, a Hathelsborough lad, I see? You'll know me, young man. Then he told Mr. Jeaveson and myself what he wanted."

"Positive, sir; it's an old Semmingford machine, number 32,587." "Did you hear him say anything about it?" "I did, sir. He told our Mr. Jeaveson manager he is that this was a machine he'd bought in London, many years ago; that the lettering seemed to be getting worn out, and that he wanted to know if we could supply new letters and do the machine up generally." "Yes; what then?" "Mr.

Jeaveson about it, sir, and showed him what I meant. He discussed the matter with Mr. Polford afterwards, and it was decided that I should go over to Hathelsborough and see Mr. Hawthwaite, taking the machine with me." "Did you do that?" "Yes, sir, next day, in the evening." "Did you tell Superintendent Hawthwaite of your discovery and hand the machine to him?" "Yes, sir; both."

Jeaveson said we could, and the machine was handed over to me for repair." "Did you make any discovery about it?" "Yes, sir. That afternoon I just ran the lettering off, to see what defects there were. I found then that the broken and defective letters were identical with those in the facsimile letter that I'd seen in the Monitor two days before."