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In the center the heights of Hill 383, northeast of Plava, were captured, while the Florence infantry brigade and the Vaellino brigade, after taking by assault the villages of Zagora and Zagomila, which were infested by machine guns, carried the crests of Monte Cucco and Monte Vodice with great dash.

In states where county government has grown up naturally, after the Virginia fashion, the county is apt to be much smaller than in states where it is simply a district embracing several township governments. Thus the average size of a county in Massachusetts is 557 square miles, and in Connecticut 594 square miles; but in Virginia it is only 383 and in Kentucky 307 square miles.

383. =Social Ideals.= At the basis of every theory lies the individual with social relations. To socialize him external authority is the primitive agent. This authority may give way in time to the restraint of public opinion made intelligent by a socialized education, but effective public opinion is dependent on the development of personal worth in the individual.

The frame of a looking-glass was blackened, and the gilding must have been volatilized, for a smelling-bottle, which stood on the chimney-piece, was coated with bright metallic particles, which adhered as firmly as if they had been enamelled. Hearne's Journey, p. 383. Maclaren, art. "America," Encyclop. Brittann.

Lord Stratford to M. E. Pisani, June 22, 1853 Ibid, part i. p. 383. She 'drifted, as Lord Clarendon said, exactly describing his own position, into the war, apparently without rudder and without compass. The whole policy of our Government in this matter is marked with an imbecility perhaps without example.

He sent a message to the king, who was not far distant; expressed his contrition for his faults; and entreated the favour of a visit, that he might at least die with the satisfaction of having obtained his forgiveness. Neust. p. 451. Bened. Abb. p. 383. Abb. p. 393. Hoveden, p. 621. The behaviour of his surviving children did not tend to give the king any consolation for the loss.

Streckeisen-Moultou, i. 381-383. Ib. 387. Many years after, Rousseau told Bernardin de St. The sources of all this are in the following places. Corr., i. 416. Oct. 29. Streckeisen, i. 349. Nov. 12. Conf., ix. 377. Corr., i. 427. Nov. 23. Conf., ix. 381. Dec. 1. Ib., ix. 383. Dec. 17. Diderot to Grimm; D'Epinay, ii. 397. Diderot's Oeuv., xix. 446. See also 449 and 210.

When it is remembered that a body starting from the sun's surface at the rate of 383 miles a second would, if it encountered no resistance, escape for ever from his control, it is obvious that we have, in the enormous forces of eruption or repulsion manifested in the outbursts just described, the means of accounting for the vast diffusion of matter in the solar neighbourhood.

On the American finches, see Audubon, 'Ornithological Biography, vol. i. pp. 174, 221, and Jerdon, 'Birds of India, vol. ii. p. 383. On the Fringilla cannabina of Madeira, Mr. Ornaments of all kinds, whether permanently or temporarily gained, are sedulously displayed by the males, and apparently serve to excite, attract, or fascinate the females.

Johnson wrote the Dedication, Ante, i.383. See ante, ii.82, note 2. Copy is manuscript for printing. Published by Kearsley, with this well-chosen motto: 'From his cradle He was a SCHOLAR, and a ripe and good one: And to add greater honours to his age Than man could give him, he died fearing Heaven. SHAKSPEARE. BOSWELL. This quotation is a patched up one from Henry VIII, act iv. sc.2.