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Only once since the day he had been locked in this room had Gregor offered speech. He, Karlov, had roared at him, threatened, baited, but his reward generally had been a twisted wintry smile. He could not offer physical torture beyond the frequent omissions of food and water; the body would have crumbled.

A cold wintry night was closing in when this accident took place, and the lights from the shipping and the great city twinkled like myriads of stars.

Love encompassed her, and when the wintry light failed, her faintly beating heart failed with it, and all was still.... "Richard! Richard! Come with me." So, with low, tender words, Mary tried to lead him away, after that trance of silence in which they had all been standing round the dead. He yielded to her; he was ready to see the doctor and to submit to the absolute rest enjoined.

And this sort of identification of the poet's thought, of himself, with the image or figure which serves him, is the secret, sometimes, of a singularly entire realisation of that image, such as makes these lines of Coleridge, for instance, "imaginative" Amid the howl of more than wintry storms, The halcyon hears the voice of vernal hours Already on the wing.

On the tall maples perfection alone had culled the foliage, so wreathing the bronze boughs with rarer garlands of fretted gold. No dread of wintry storms had yet driven away any of the birds that Ruth fed every day on the sill of her chamber window. They were all there as usual the whole feathered colony as if they wished to be polite, even though they were not hungry on that sunny morning.

These know that nature is stern, hard, immovable and terrible in unrelenting cruelty. When wintry winds are out and the mercury far below zero, she will allow her most ardent lover to freeze on her snowy breast without waving a leaf in pity, or offering him a match; and scores of her devotees may starve to death in as many different languages before she will offer a loaf of bread.

The doleful sounds got entangled in his mustache, knocking off the crumbs of bread. He smoothed down the hair of his beard and mustache with his thick fingers and sang sang unintelligible words, long drawn out. The melody recalled the wintry howl of wolves.

Raymond and I couldn't find him downstairs, and he told me to look up here. Have you seen Polly?" The big, green bird answered for himself then, for he cried out: "Look out for tramps!" "Oh, there you are!" exclaimed Miss Winkler. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself, Polly, to fly off like that? You'll catch your death of cold; too, coming out this wintry weather! Here, come to me!"

At six o'clock, where the wintry workaday flows into dusk and Fifth Avenue flows across Broadway, they met, these two, finding each other out in the gaseous shelter of a Subway kiosk.

But the attendant said they were already sold to Mr. Cole, the railroad king, who had purchased also the great artistic success of the exhibition an old farm-house with a wintry landscape, and the word "Home" printed beneath it.