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In me, behold your son, Philip Vanderdecken, who has obeyed your wishes; and after a life of such peril and misery as few have passed, has at last fulfilled his vow, and now offers to his father the precious relic that he required to kiss." Philip drew out the relic, and held it towards his father.

"Bad weather!" said Kloots, rousing himself from a deep reverie. "Yes, bad weather, Mynheer Kloots. There never was a vessel which fell in with what we have just seen, but met with disaster soon afterwards. The very name of Vanderdecken is unlucky He! he!" Philip would have replied to the sarcasm, but he could not, his tongue was tied.

"What is your name?" "Amine Vanderdecken." "Of what country?" "My husband is of the Low Countries; I am from the East." "What is your husband?" "The captain of a Dutch Indiaman." "How came you here?" "His vessel was wrecked, and we were separated." "Whom do you know here?" "Father Mathias." "What property have you?" "None; it is my husband's." "Where is it?" "In the custody of Father Mathias."

"You will be burnt alive at the stake; nothing can save you. Hear me, Amine Vanderdecken: when next summoned, you must confess all; and, asking pardon, request to be received into the Church; then will you be saved, and you will " "What?" "Again be clasped in Philip's arms." "My Philip my Philip! you indeed press me hard; but, father, if I confess I am wrong, when I feel that I am not "

Amine then descended to prepare breakfast, and Philip walked out for a few minutes. On his return, he found Mynheer Poots sitting at the table with his daughter. "Merciful Allah! am I right?" cried the old man: "is it you, Mynheer Vanderdecken?" "Even so," replied Philip, "I returned last night." "And you did not tell me, Amine." "I wished that you should be surprised," replied Amine.

"Quite safe, father." "Quite safe you say quite safe are you sure of it? let me see." "There it is, father, as you may perceive, quite safe thanks to one whom you have not treated so well." "Who what do you mean? Ah, yes, I see him now 'tis Philip Vanderdecken he owes me three guilders and a half, and there is a phial did he save you and my money, child?" "He did, indeed at the risk of his life."

The vessel had now passed over the Utrecht; the form of the elder Vanderdecken was seen to walk aft and look over the taffrail; Amine perceived it to start and turn away suddenly she looked down, and saw Schriften shaking his fist in defiance at the supernatural being!

Schriften held her hand for a second or two in his own, looking at it earnestly, and then at Amine's face. "So fair so good! Mynheer Vanderdecken, I thank you. Lady, may Heaven preserve you!" Then squeezing the hand of Amine, which he had not released, Schriften hastened out of the cabin.

Philip Vanderdecken was soon able to render some service on board. He studied his duty diligently, for employment prevented him from dwelling too much upon the cause of his embarkation, and he worked hard at the duties of the ship, for the exercise procured for him that sleep which otherwise would have been denied.

Perhaps Captain Vanderdecken found this maiden of his hopes in some Dutch settlement on the Hudson, or perhaps he expiated his rashness by prayer and penitence; howbeit, he never came down again, unless he slipped away to sea in snow or fog so dense that watchers and boatmen saw nothing of his passing.